Mapping inequalities through the life course (Mapineq)


Mapineq – Mapping inequalities through the life course – is a 3-year research project (2022 – 2025) funded by the European Commission through the “Horizon Europe” program. A collaborative effort of eight leading European universities and research institutes, Mapineq addresses timely questions about the trends and drivers of intergenerational, educational, labor market, and health inequalities from childhood to retirement. A major goal of the project is to map and explain spatial patterns of inequalities at the national, regional, and local levels.

At the WZB, Mapineq is conducted by the Department “Skill Formation and Labor Markets” and the Research Group “Health and Social Inequality”, in close cooperation with colleagues from the University of Tallinn. WZB researchers are studying the dynamics of inequalities in young adulthood, during the transition from education to work, and at the end of working life, during the transition from work to retirement. In addition to mapping regional inequalities across Europe for a variety of economic and non-economic outcomes, our research explores how these inequalities are shaped by variation in local labor market conditions, cost of living, and other factors.

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Hornberg, Carla (2024): Improving the Labour Market Integration and Well-Being of Young Adults in Times of Crisis. MapIneq Policy Brief 2. Turku: INVEST Research Flagship Centre at University of Turku.
Hornberg, Carla/Heisig, Jan Paul/Solga, Heike (2024): Decomposition of Between and Within-Country (Regional) Differences in the Labour Market Attainment of Young Adults. Mapineq deliverables D4.1. Turku: INVEST Research Flagship Centre at University of Turku.