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WZB Discussion Papers / Arbeitspapiere
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WZB Discussion Papers / Arbeitspapiere
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WZB Discussion Papers / Arbeitspapiere
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WZB Discussion Papers / Arbeitspapiere
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WZB Discussion Papers / Arbeitspapiere
Aufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften
WZB Discussion Papers / Arbeitspapiere
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Aufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften
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WZB Discussion Papers / Arbeitspapiere
Aufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften
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WZB Discussion Papers / Arbeitspapiere
Beiträge für Presse & Hörfunk
Aufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften
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WZB Discussion Papers / Arbeitspapiere
Beiträge für Presse & Hörfunk
Aufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften
Aufsätze in Sammelbänden
WZB Discussion Papers / Arbeitspapiere
Ersanilli, Evelyn (2010): Comparing Integration. Host Culture Adoption and Ethnic Retention Among Turkish Immigrants and their Descendents in France, Germany and the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Koopmans, Ruud/Statham, Paul (Hg.) (2010): The Making of a European Public Sphere. Media Discourse and Political Contention. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schlüter, Elmar/Schmidt, Peter (Hg.) (2010): Survey Experiments. Methodology – European Journal of Research Methods for Social and Behavioral Sciences, Special Issue, Vol. 6, No. 3. Göttingen/Ashland, OH: Hogrefe.
Aufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften
Braun, Robert/Koopmans, Ruud (2010): "The Diffusion of Ethnic Violence in Germany: The Role of Social Similarity." In: European Sociological Review, Vol. 26, No. 1, S. 111-123.
Dolezal, Martin/Helbling, Marc/Hutter, Swen (2010): "Debating Islam in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Ethnic Citizenship, Church-State Relations and Right-Wing Populism." In: West European Politics, Vol. 33, No. 2, S. 170-190.
Ersanilli, Evelyn/Koopmans, Ruud (2010): "Rewarding Integration? Citizenship Regulations and the Socio-Cultural Integration of Immigrants in the Netherlands, France and Germany." In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 36, No. 5, S. 773-791.
Fleischmann, Fenella/Dronkers, Jaap (2010): "Unemployment Among Immigrants in European Labour Markets: An Analysis of Origin and Destination Effects." In: Work, Employment & Society, Vol. 24, No. 2, S. 337-354.
Fleischmann, Fenella/Phalet, Karen/Neels, Karen/Deboosere, Patrick (2010). “Etnische onderwijsongelijkheid in context: De rol van structurele gemeentekenmerken en etnische compositie”. In: Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, Vol. 31, No. 3-4, S. 295-329.
Fleischmann, Fenella (2010): "Integratie en religiositeit onder de Turkse tweede generatie in Duitsland en Nederland: een analyse van jonge moslims in twee Europese hoofdsteden." In: Migrantenstudies, Vol. 26, No. 2, S. 199-219.
Helbling, Marc (2010): "Switzerland: Contentious Citizenship Attribution in a Federal State." In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 36, No. 5, S. 793-809.
Helbling, Marc/Hoeglinger, Dominic/Wüest, Bruno (2010): "How Political Parties Frame European Integration." In: European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 49, No. 4, S. 495-521.
Koopmans, Ruud (2010): "Trade-Offs between Equality and Difference: Immigrant Integration, Multiculturalism and the Welfare State in Cross-National Perspective." In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 36, No. 1, S. 1-26.
Aufsätze in nicht-referierten Zeitschriften
Block, Laura (2010): "'Mädchen, weißt du, was du da tust?' Geschlechtsspezifischer Umgang mit dem Ehegattennachzug." In: WZB-Mitteilungen, No. 129, S. 34-37.
Aufsätze in Sammelbänden
Fleischmann, Fenella/Dronkers, Jaap (2010): "The Socio-Economic Integration of Immigrants in the EU. Effects of Characteristics of Origin and Destination Countries on the First and Second Generation." In: Katherine S. Newman/Paul Attewell (Hg.), Growing Gaps? Educational Inequality around the Globe. Oxford: Oxford University Press (in print).
Dronkers, Jaap/Fleischmann, Fenella (2010): "The Educational Attainment of Second Generation Immigrants from Different Countries of Origin in Different EU Member States." In: Jaap Dronkers (Hg.), Quality and Inequality of Education. Cross-National Perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer Press, S. 163-204.
Helbling, Marc (2010): "Islamophobia in Switzerland. A New Phenomenon or a New Name for Xenophobia?" In: Simon Hug/Hanspeter Kriesi (Hg.): Value Change in Switzerland. Lanham, MD: Lexington Press, S. 65-80.
Helbling, Marc (2010): "Naturalisation Politics in Switzerland. Explaining Rejection Rates at the Local Level." In: Tiziana Caponio/Maren Borkert (Hg.): The Local Dimension of Migration Policymaking. IMISCOE Reports. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, S. 33-56.
Koopmans, Ruud (2010): "Der Zielkonflikt von Gleichheit und Diversität. Integration von Immigranten, Multikulturalismus und der Wohlfahrtsstaat im internationalen Vergleich." In: Stefan Luft/Peter Schimany (Hg.): Integration von Zuwanderern. Erfahrungen, Konzepte, Perspektiven. Bielefeld: transcript, S. 55-93.
Koopmans, Ruud (2010): "Winners and Losers, Supporters and Opponents in Europeanized Public Debates." In: Ruud Koopmans/Paul Statham (Hg.): The Making of a European Public Sphere. Media Discourse and Political Contention. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 97-121.
Koopmans, Ruud/Erbe, Jessica/Meyer, Martin F. (2010): "The Europeanisation of Public Spheres: Comparisons across Issues, Time, and Countries." In: Ruud Koopmans/Paul Statham (Hg.): The Making of a European Public Sphere. Media Discourse and Political Contention. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 63-96.
Koopmans, Ruud/Statham, Paul (2010): "Theoretical Framework, Research Design, and Methods." In: Ruud Koopmans/Paul Statham (Hg.): The Making of a European Public Sphere. Media Discourse and Political Contention. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 34-59.
Koopmans, Ruud/Zimmermann, Ann (2010): "Transnational Political Communication on the Internet: Search Engine Results and Hyperlink Networks." In: Ruud Koopmans/Paul Statham (Hg.): The Making of a European Public Sphere. Media Discourse and Political Contention. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 171-194.
Michalowski, Ines (2010): "Citizenship Tests and Traditions of State Interference with Cultural Diversity." In: Rainer Bauböck/Christian Joppke (Hg.): How Liberal are Citizenship Tests? EUI Working Papers, No. RSCAS 2010/41. San Domenico di Fiesole: European University Institute, S. 5-7.
Michalowski, Ines (2010): "Immigration to France. The Challenge of Immigrant Integration." In: Uma A. Segal/Doreen Elliott/Nazneen Mayadas (Hg.): Immigration Worldwide. Oxford/New York, NY: Oxford University Press, S. 79-93.
Michalowski, Ines (2010): "Integration Tests in Germany. A Communitarian Approach?" In: Ricky van Oers/Eva Ersbøll/Dora Kostakopoulou (Hg.): A Re-Definition of Belonging? Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Europe, No. 20. Leiden/Boston, MA: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, S. 185-210.
Michalowski, Ines (2010): "Der Umgang mit religiöser Diversität im Militär. Deutschland und die USA im Vergleich." In: Gerhard Kümmel (Hg.), Minderheiten und Minderheitenpolitik im Militär. Baden-Baden: Nomos (in print).
Statham, Paul/Koopmans, Ruud/Tresch, Anke/Firmstone, Julie (2010): "Political Party Contestation: Emerging Euroscepticism or a Normalisation of Eurocriticism?" In: Ruud Koopmans/ Paul Statham (Hg.): The Making of a European Public Sphere. Media Discourse and Political Contention. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, S. 245-273.
Jacobs, Dirk/Teney, Celine (2010): "De allochtone stem te Brussel." In: Celis, Karen/Wauters, Bram/Meier, Petra (Hg.): Gezien, gehoord, vertegenwoordigd? Gent: Academia Press, S. 89-112.
WZB Discussion Papers / Arbeitspapiere
Fleischmann, Fenella (2010): Identity Multiplicity among the Muslim Second Generation in European Cities: When and Why Religious and Ethnic Identities are Compatible or Conflicting with Civic Identities. WZB Discussion Paper SP IV 2010-705. Berlin: WZB.
Helbling, Marc (2010): Germanophobia in Switzerland. WZB Discussion Paper SP IV 2010-702. Berlin: WZB.
Helbling, Marc (2010): Public Debates on Integration and Immigration in Six West European Countries. EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2010/22. San Domenico di Fiesole: European University Institute (EUI)/Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS)/EUDO Citizenship Observatory.
Höhne, Jutta/Koopmans, Ruud (2010): Host-Country Cultural Capital and Labour Market Trajectories of Migrants in Germany. The Impact of Host-Country Orientation and Migrant-Specific Human and Social Capital on Labour Market Transitions. WZB Discussion Paper SP IV 2010-701. Berlin: WZB.
Hajji, Rahim (2009): Sozialisationsprozesse in Familien mit marokkanischem Migrationshintergrund. Opladen/Farmington Hills: Budrich UniPress.
Ersanilli, Evelyn/Scholten, Peter (Hg.) (2009): Identiteitsvorming van jongeren“. Enschede: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.
Helbling, Marc/Koller, Andreas (Hg.) (2009): Debate: Charles Tilly and Switzerland. Swiss Political Science Review, Special Section, Vol. 15, No. 2.
Aufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften
Barwick, Christine (2009): „Patterns of Discrimination against Blacks and Hispanics in the US Mortgage Market“. In: Journal of Housing and the Built Environment.
Braun, Robert/Koopmans, Ruud (2009): „The Diffusion of Ethnic Violence in Germany: The Role of Social Similarity“. In: European Sociological Review, Vol. 26, No. 1, S. 111-123 (online advanced access).
Ersanilli, Evelyn (2009): „Identificatie van Turkse migrantenjongeren in Nederland, Frankrijk en Duitsland“. In: Migrantenstudies, Vol. 25, No. 1, S. 42-58.
Helbling, Marc (2009): „Social Influence Networks and Understanding of Citizenship“. In: Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 32, No. 5, S. 844-863.
Helbling, Marc (2009): „Nationalism and Democracy: Competing or Complementary Logics?“. In: Living Reviews in Democracy, No. 1, S. 1-14.
Helbling, Marc (2009): „Struggling Over Citizenship and Cultural Boundaries: Charles Tilly’s Constructivist Approach". In: Swiss Political Science Review, Vol. 15, No. 2, S. 369-375.
Koopmans, Ruud (2009): „Multiculturell integratiebeleid in Nederland. Voer voor historici of actualiteit?“. In: B en M – Tijdschrift voor Beleid, Politiek en Maatschappij, Vol. 36, No. 1, S. 59-71.
Koopmans, Ruud/Muis, Jasper (2009): „The rise of right-wing populist Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands: A discursive opportunity approach“. In: European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 48, No. 5, S. 642-664.
Koopmans, Ruud/Rebers, Susanne (2009): „Collective action in culturally similar and dissimilar groups: an experiment on parochialism, conditional cooperation, and their linkages“. In: Evolution and Human Behavior, Vol. 30, No. 3, S. 201-211.
Koopmans, Ruud/Statham, Paul (2009): „Political party contestation over Europe in the mass media: who criticizes Europe, how, and why?“. In: European Political Science Review, Vol. 1, No. 3, S. 435 463.
Aufsätze in nicht-referierten Zeitschriften
Ersanilli, Evelyn/Koopmans, Ruud (2009): „Join the Club, but Learn the Rules. Wanted: Intelligent Integration Policies“. In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 126, S. 18-21.
Hajji, Rahim (2009): „Abschied auf ungewisse Zeit. Viele Gastarbeiter mussten Kinder zurücklassen – zu deren Schaden“. In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 124, S. 37-39.
Helbling, Marc (2009): „Geheim und diskriminierend. Lokale Abstimmungen begünstigen eine restriktivere Einbürgerungspraxis“. In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 125, S. 34-35.
Helbling, Marc (2009): „Islamdebatten, variiert. Unterschiedliche Akzente in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz“. In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 126, S. 22-24.
Koopmans, Ruud/Michalowski, Ines/Waibel, Stine (2009): Integrationspolitik bleibt national. Bürgerrechte für Zuwanderer: Europas Staaten nähern sich kaum an. In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 126, S. 6-9.
Aufsätze in Sammelbänden
Helbling, Marc (2009): „Citizenship, Right-wing Populism and the Direct Democratic Dilemma“. In: Marcel A. Niggli (Hg.): Right-wing Extremism in Switzerland – National and International Perspectives. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 102-112.
Helbling, Marc (2009): „Charles Tilly and Switzerland. Introduction“. In: Helbling, Marc/Koller, Andreas (Hg.) (2009): Debate: Charles Tilly and Switzerland. Swiss Political Science Review, Special Section, Vol. 15, No. 2, S. 317-320.
Michalowski, Ines (2009): „Liberal States. Privatised Integration Policies?“. In: Elspeth Guild/Kees Groenendijk/Sergio Carrera (Hg.): Illiberal Liberal States. Immigration, Citizenship and Integration in the EU. Farnham: Ashgate, S. 259-276.
Michalowski, Ines (2009): „Immigration to France. The Challenge of Immigrant Integration“. In: Uma A. Segal/Doreen Elliott/Nazneen S. Mayadas (Hg.): Immigration Worldwide. Policies, Practices, and Trends. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, S. 79-93.
WZB Discussion Papers / Arbeitspapiere
Ersanilli, Evelyn/Koopmans, Ruud (2009): Ethnic Retention and Host Culture Adoption among Turkish Immigrants in Germany, France and the Netherlands. A Controlled Comparison. WZB Discussion Paper SP IV 2009-701. Berlin: WZB.
Michalowski, Ines (2009): Citizenship Tests in Five Countries. An Expression of Political Liberalism? WZB Discussion Paper SP IV 2009-702. Berlin: WZB.
Hajji, Rahim (2008): Politisierungsprozesse Jugendlicher mit einem italienischen und türkischen Migrationshintergrund. Politische Gewaltbereitschaft = Politische Partizipation? Ein Beitrag zu Heitmeyers Fundamentalismus-Studie. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
Hunger, Uwe/Aybek, Can M./Ette, Andreas/Michalowski, Ines (Hg.) (2008): Migrations- und Integrationsprozesse in Europa. Vergemeinschaftung oder nationalstaatliche Lösungswege? Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Aufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften
Koopmans, Ruud (2008): „Meningen en feiten in het WRR-rapport Identificatie met Nederland“. In: Migrantenstudies, Vol. 24, No. 3, S. 174-178.
Michalowski, Ines/Svensson, Jörgen/Seveker, Marina (2008): Ervaringen met de indicatormethodiek in een vergelijkende evaluatie van lokaal inburgeringsbeleid. In: Migrantenstudies, Vol. 24, No. 4, S. 250-272.
Schlüter, Elmar/Schmidt, Peter/Wagner, Ulrich (2008): „Disentangling the Causal Relations of Perceived Group Threat and Outgroup Derogation: Cross-national Evidence from German and Russian Panel Surveys“. In: European Sociological Review, Vol. 24, No. 5, S. 567-581.
Schlüter, Elmar/Wagner, Ulrich (2008): „Regional Differences Matter: Examining the Dual Influence of the Regional Size of the Immigrant Population on Derogation of Immigrants in Europe“. In: International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Vol. 49, Nos. 2-3, S. 153-173.
Aufsätze in nicht-referierten Zeitschriften
Michalowski, Ines (2008): „Wissen entscheidet. Der neue, bundesweite Einbürgerungstest im internationalen Vergleich“. In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 121, S. 35-36.
Schönwälder, Karen/Söhn, Janina (2008): „Integration ist hip: Was jugendliche MigrantInnen von der Politik erwarten können“. In: Onlinemagazin für Arbeit, Bildung, Gesellschaft, Extra-Ausgabe 2008.
Aufsätze in Sammelbänden
Koopmans, Ruud (2008): „Who Inhabits the European Public Sphere? Winners and Losers, Supporters and Opponents in Europeanised Political Debates“. In: Krassimir Y. Nikolov (Hg.): Adapting to Integration in an Enlarged European Union. Vol. 2: Adapting the Enlarged European Union to the Citizen. Sofia: Bulgarian European Community Studies Association, S. 177-214.
Koopmans, Ruud/Statham, Paul/Giugni, Marco/Passy, Florence (2008): „The Denationalization of Immigration Politics. Is It Happening and Who Benefits?“. In: Oliver Schmidtke/Saine Ozcurumez (Hg.): Of States, Rights, and Social Closure. Governing Migration and Citizenship. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 225-256.
Michalowski, Ines/Walter, Anne (2008): „Family Reunification between EC Law and National Integration Policy“. In: Anita Böcker/Tetty Havinga/Hannie Minderhoud/Paul van de Put/Hanne van de Put (Hg.): Migration Law and Sociology of Law. Collected Essays in Honour of Kees Groenendijk. Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, S. 61-72.
Schönwälder, Karen (2008): „Reformprojekt Integration“. In: Jürgen Kocka (Hg.): Zukunftsfähigkeit Deutschlands. Sozialwissenschaftliche Essays. Schriftenreihe der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bd. 693. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, S. 315-334.
Wagner, Ulrich/Christ, Oliver/Wolf, Hinna/van Dick, Rolf/Stellmacher, Jost/Schlueter, Elmar/Zick, Andreas (2008): „Social and Political Context Effects on Intergroup Contact and Intergroup Attitudes“. In: Ulrich Wagner/Linda R. Tropp/Gillian Finchilescu/Colin Tredoux (Hg.): Improving Intergroup Relations: Building on the Legacy of Thomas F. Pettigrew. „Social Issues and Social Interventions“ Series. Malden, MA et al.: Blackwell Publishing, S. 195-209.
WZB Discussion Papers / Arbeitspapiere
Braun, Robert/Koopmans, Ruud (2008): The Diffusion of Ethnic Violence in Germany. The Role of Social Similarity. WZB Discussion Paper SP IV 2008-702. Berlin: WZB.
Hajji, Rahim (2008): Transnationale Familien. Zur Entstehung, zum Ausmaß und zu den Konsequenzen der migrationsbedingten Eltern-Kind-Trennung in Familien aus den klassischen Gastarbeiterländern in Deutschland. WZB Discussion Paper SP IV 2008-704. Berlin: WZB.
Hajji, Rahim (2008): Transnationale Familienverhältnisse, Verlusterfahrung und Bindungsverhalten. WZB Discussion Paper SP IV 2008-705. Berlin: WZB.
Koopmans, Ruud (2008): Tradeoffs between Equality and Difference. Immigrant Integration, Multiculturalism, and the Welfare State in Cross-National Perspective. WZB Discussion Paper SP IV 2008-701. Berlin: WZB.
Koopmans, Ruud/Muis, Jasper (2008): The Rise of Right-Wing Populist Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands. A Discursive Opportunity Approach. WZB Discussion Paper SP IV 2008-703. Berlin: WZB.
Aufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften
Koopmans, Ruud (2007): „Who Inhabits the European Public Sphere? Winners and Losers, Supporters and Opponents in Europeanised Political Debates“. In: European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 46, No. 2, S. 183-210.
Koopmans, Ruud (2007): „'Don't mention Islam or multiculturalism!' - Een repliek op Uitermark“. In: Migrantenstudies, Vol. 23, No. 4, S. 271-276.
Koopmans, Ruud/Giugni, Marco (2007): „'What causes people to vote for a radical right party?' A rejoinder to Van der Brug and Fennema“. In: International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Vol. 19, No. 4, S. 488-491.
Aufsätze in Sammelbänden
Koopmans, Ruud (2007): „Die Krise des niederländischen Multikulturalismus in ländervergleichender Perspektive“. In: Zentrum für Niederlande-Studien (Hg.): Jahrbuch 17/2006. Die Integration von Zuwanderern. Münster: Aschendorff, S. 31-47.
Koopmans, Ruud (2007): „Social Movements“. In: Russell Dalton/Hans-Dieter Klingemann (Hg.): The Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior. „The Oxford Handbooks of Political Science Series“. New York: Oxford University Press, S. 693-707.
Koopmans, Ruud/Zimmermann, Ann (2007): „Visibility and Communication Networks on the Internet: The Role of Search Engines and Hyperlinks“. In: Claes de Vreese/Hermann Schmitt (Hg.): A European Public Sphere: How Much of Fit Do We Have and How Much Do We Need? Mannheim: CONNEX, S. 213-264.