20. - 21. Juni 2023

Corporate Philanthropy and Individual Donations



Currently, there is an increasing demand from the public for commercial organizations to be more engaged in Corporate Social Responsibility. One of the forms of CSR involves a collaboration with a charity. For example, in cause-related marketing (CM) campaigns, companies make a donation every time a certain product is sold. Companies aim to “do well by doing good” with such CSR campaigns. To understand how these collaborations work best for both the company as well as the charity it is necessary to better understand the motivations of people to buy at companies investing in corporate philanthropy, but also why people engage in moral behavior like donating to charities in the first place. These questions have been studied, among other, in the field of psychology, marketing, behavioral economics, and philanthropic studies. Each of these disciplines take their own perspectives and use their own methods, yet the topic of research is similar. For example, marketing research focuses on the drivers of CM effectiveness, e.g. the influence of the donation amount on the company’s return. Their main finding that consumers might respond to the donation irrespective of the actual donation amount can be used by companies to increase their return on investments from CM. This, however, is not in the interest of charities that are dependent on the overall amount donated. While marketing research most often focuses on the company’s side, psychology and behavioral economics more often take the perspective of the donor and/or the charity. Unfortunately, there is not enough exchange between the various disciplines. This workshop aims to foster exchange.

Speakers (in alphabetic order):


Maja Adena (WZB)

René Bekkers (VU Amsterdam)

Arvid Erlandsson (Linköping University)

Alexander Genevsky (Erasmus University, Rotterdam)

Caroline Graf (VU Amsterdam)

Steffen Huck (WZB)

Marijke Leliveld (University of Groningen)

Jan Schmitz (Radboud University, Nijmegen)

Joris Melchior Schröder (VU Amsterdam)

Luke McEllin (Central European University, Vienna)

Edlira Shehu (University of Hamburg)

Aakash Kurian Thottam (University of Queensland)

Besarta Veseli (University of Hamburg)


For more information, find here the program of the workshop.

Partner workshop:


From 21-23 June the workshop "Recent Advances in the Economics of Philanthropy" will also take place at WZB. Please click on the link for further information.