Montag, 2. Mai 2011

“Mind the Gap”: Conceptualising & Measuring Inequalities & Fairness

Lecture by Jacqueline O’Reilly (WZB Lecture Series "Social Inequality")

This lecture examines how the conceptual debate on gender equality has moved from a perspective of equal opportunities to the concept of intersectionality and inclusion. It will look at how and why this debate has changed its terms of reference to address multi-dimensional inequalities and the ubiquitous concept of “fairness”. This discussion will include both an analysis of conceptual debates as well as a review of how this has impacted on political institutions at the national and supra-national level in Europe. Having established the changing terrain in which equality policies are being discussed and implemented, I will go on to look at some of the methodological issues that have emerged in relation to the development of composite indicators being developed at the international level, as well as including a critical review of the ‚How Fair is Britain?’ Report published by the Equality and Human Rights Commission in the UK. The aim is to provide an account of how questions of equality are being opened to a more complex analysis and the implications of this for researchers and policy makers.

Jacqueline O’Reilly is Professor of Comparative Employment Relations & Human Resource Management at Brighton Business School, University of Brighton, England.