Dienstag, 13. Januar 2015

Resettlement experiences and resilience in refugee youth in Western Australia

Associate Professor Jaya Earnest,
Curtin University (Western Australia)

The Australian Government’s policies towards irregular maritime arrivals (IMAs) since July 2013 have been controversial, uncompromising and consistently harsh, with asylum seekers isolated in detention centres for prolonged periods. Asylum seekers and refugees, especially youth, have distinct and unique stressors that make resettlement difficult.  

In this presentation, Jaya Earnest will report on findings of an ongoing study funded by the Health Promotion Foundation of Western Australia. Using qualitative methods and photovoice, the study explored resettlement experiences of asylum seeker and refugee youth in Western Australia. Underpinned by the psychosocial framework, the main themes emerging from the study will be presented and the important role that support programs play in successful resettlement will be highlighted. The success of photovoice as a research strategy will be shared. Photo images captured by the refugee youth themselves will be showcased.