22. - 23. September 2016

Rethinking Society for the 21st Century

Interdisciplinary Franco-German Workshop

Venue: Maison Suger, Paris
16 rue Suger
75006 Paris, Paris (75) France

The Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) and the Fondation maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) invite researchers from France and Germany to participate in the workshop "Rethinking Society for the 21st Century" in Paris.

Organized within the Franco-German program “New Frameworks for Societal Policies and Decision Making”, the workshop brings together researchers from different disciplines to work on two challenging questions of our times:  

  1. What are the key ecological, economic, and societal changes of our times?
  2. How can we adequately describe, measure, and compare these changes?

The main focus of the programs’ second workshop is on the definition and measurement of social progress. Participants will get in touch with the “International Panel on Social Progress” (IPSP) and comment on different chapters of the Panel, such as "The Future of Work" or “The Paradoxes of Democracy and the Rule of Law”.

Moreover, the workshop participants have the opportunity to develop and advance ongoing or future projects, to prepare research stays in France or Germany as well as to initiate new collaborations within the Franco-German network.

More information on current calls for papers and on the Franco-German program is available here.