Entstehung von Politikfeldern: Vergleichende Perspektiven und Theoretisierung
The workshop discusses the emergence of policy fields from a comparative and theoretical perspective. The aim of the workshop is to continue the systematic analysis of policy fields which was initiated in spring 2014 during the annual symposium of the DVPW section “Policy Analysis and Administrative Sciences”. Some contributions to this symposium were recently published in a special issue of the German journal “der moderne staat”.
Researchers are invited to report about their study of different policy fields, for example regarding the field of ecology or migration. In addition, we will focus on the conceptual approaches that can be used to study the emergence of new policy fields and invite scholars to discuss selected theoretical perspectives. Based on the comparative and the conceptual presentations, the workshop aims to assess the differences and communalities of emerging policy fields and to discuss their formation from the perspective of policy studies, institutionalism, discourse analysis and others.