Global Constitutionalism and Critical Theory
The relationship between "Global Constitutionalism” and Critical Theory is the subject of a workshop organized by Mattias Kumm, Rainer Forst and Seyla Benhabib on December 11th, 10 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. in Berlin, Heilig-Geist-Kapelle (Spandauer Str. 1). Has the globalization of public law, that claims to be guided by basic commitments to human rights, democracy and the rule of law, helped to realize the emancipatory potential of the constitutionalist tradition? Or has constitutionalist rhetoric merely legitimated new or helped to cover up old forms of repression? Furthermore, what role is there for legal scholarship that is critically guided by basic constitutionalist principles? As a practice that draws on the internal reflexivity of the law, to what extent might global constitutionalism serve as a framework for a critical theory of law?
Panelists include Hauke Brunkhorst, Ayelet Shachar, Alexander Somek, Richard Bellamy, Christopher McCrudden and Christoph Möllers. After workshops that were held at the New York University and Yale University, this is the third workshop in the series “Justification Beyond the State”.