Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Participation or Exclusion: Expertise as New Currency in Conflicts over Transnational Governance?

Lecture by Sigrid Quack (WZB Lecture Series "Social Inequality")

This lecture examines conflicts and negotiations about the creation and development of transnational governance forms in different regulatory fields. A longitudinal and comparative analysis shows variation in the participation of different societal groups. These are reflected in the social construction of what is considered as expertise and who should be included in governance arrangements in each of these fields. The lecture will discuss whether and to what extent expertise has become institutionalized as the new currency for participation in or exclusion from shaping transnational governance institutions and their social consequences.

Sigrid Quack is Head of the Research Group “Institution Building across Borders” at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and Associate Professor at the University of Cologne, Faculty of Management, Economic and Social Sciences.