Tuesday, 5 June 2018

The Necessity of Proportionality in the Application of Constitutional Rights

Paper presentation by Robert Alexy, University of Kiel

We are pleased to be able to welcome Professor Robert Alexy (University of Kiel) as guest speaker to this year's Berlin Colloquium on Global and Comparative Public Law.

This event is part of this semester’s Berlin Colloquium on Global and Comparative Public Law, which is organized by Mattias Kumm.

Access to Professor Alexy’s paper will be available in advance on the website of the Berlin Colloquium at www.wzb.eu/berlin-colloquium.

The event is open to the public.

The Berlin Colloquium for Global and Comparative Public Law focuses on work in progress by leading contemporary scholars of global and comparative public law. The invited guest speakers discuss their work in person with participants of the colloquium. Most contributions concentrate on central concepts and ideas relating to public law (such as sovereignty, democracy, rule of law, human rights) generally or as they play out in specific institutional and doctrinal contexts.

For more information, please visit our website.