
Books: Single author

Sorge, Arndt (Hg.) Internationalisierung: Gestaltungschancen statt Globalisierungsschicksal
ISBN 978-3-89404-253-0 ISSN 9783894042530
2009 311 pages., Euro 24.90

Content as PDF

(1) Doctoral dissertation: Einheitlichkeit und Verschiedenartigkeit industrieller De­mokratie im zwischengesellschaftlichen Vergleich. Münster 1975.

(2) Technological Change, Employment, Qualifications and Training. Luxemburg: Office for Offical Publications of the European Communities 1984 (also published in other languages of the EC).

(3) Informationstechnik und Arbeit im sozialen Prozeß. Arbeitsorganisation, Quali­fikation und Produktivkraftentwicklung. Frankfurt/M.: Campus 1985.

(4) Mitbestimmung, Arbeitsorganisation und Technikanwendung. Expertise für das Projekt ‘Mitbestimmung und neue Unternehmenskulturen’ der Bertelsmann Stiftung und der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung 1997. Reprinted in: W.Streeck and N. Kluge (eds.), Mitbestimmung in Deutschland. Tradition und Effizienz, 17-134. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus 1999.

(5) The Global and the Local. Understanding the Dialectics of Internationalization. Oxford University Press 2005.

(6) Arndt Sorge The Global and the Local: Understanding the Dialectics of Business Systems. Oxford, Oxford University Press, paperback 2006, 306.

Books: Joint author

(1) Industrielle Demokratie in Europa. Mitbestimmung und Kontrolle in der Europäischen Aktiengesellschaft. Frankfurt/M.: Campus 1977 (with K. Nagels).

(2) Mitbestimmung am Arbeitsplatz. Göttingen: Otto Schwartz (with E. Bock-Rosenthal and H. Hachmeister).

(3) Informationstechnologie und Beschäftigung. Düsseldorf: Econ 1981 (with Angela Dirrheimer, Gert Hartmann, VDI-Technologiezentrum and ´Arbeitsgruppe Wirtschaftspolitik´, University of Regensburg.

(4) Microelectronics and Manpower in Manufacturing: Application of Computer Numerical Control in Great Britain and West Germany. Aldershot: Gower Press 1983 (with G. Hartmann, M. Warner and I. Nicholas).

(5) Mikroelektronik und Arbeit in der Industrie: Erfahrungen beim Einsatz von CNC-Maschinen in Großbritannien und der Bundesrepublik. Frankfurt/ New York: Campus 1982 (with M. Warner, G. Hartmann and I. Nicholas).

(6) Comparative Factory Organisation. An Anglo-German Comparison of Manu­facturing, Management and Manpower. Aldershot: Gower Press 1986 (with M. Warner).

(7) Mikroelektronik, Qualifikation und Produktinnovation. Ergebnisse von Fallstudien. Berlin: edition sigma 1988 (with W. Beuschel and S. Gensior).

(8) Microelectronic Product Applications in Great Britain and West Germany: Strategies, Competence and Training. Aldershot: Gower Press 1989 (with A. Campbell and M. Warner).

(9) Maatwerk in overleg. Kiezen voor passende overlegvormen: Ervaringen in gro­te Nederlandse bedrijven. Assen: Van Gorcum 2005 (with Rienk Goodijk).

Books: Editor

(1) International Yearbook of Organizational Democracy, vol. II. Chichester (GB): Wiley (ed., with Bernhard Wilpert), 1984.

(2) Human Resources in the Computerized Factory. Special issue of: Human Systems Management, vol. 6, no. 3, 1983 (ed., with D. Gerwin and M. Warner).

(3)Special issue 'Cross-national organization culture', Organization Studies vol. 15, no. 3, 1994 (guest ed.).

(4) Organization Behaviour´ section (32 keyword articles, between 5,000 and 10,000 words each) of: M. Warner (ed.-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of Business and Management. London: Routledge 1996.

(5) Arbeit, Arbeitsmarkt und Betriebe. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 1996 (ed., with B. Lutz, H.M. Nickel and R. Schmidt).

(6) Kleinbetriebe in den neuen Bundesländern: Bestandsbedingungen und Ent­wicklungspotentiale. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 1996 (ed., with M. Brussig, K. Lohr, K. Semlinger and U. Strohwald).

(7) IEBM Handbook of Organization Behaviour. London: Thomson Business Press 1997, reprinted paperback edition 2001 (ed., with M. Warner).

(8) Embedding Organizations. Societal Analysis of Actors, Organizations and Socio-Economic Context. Amsterdam: Benjamins 2000 (ed. with M. Maurice).

(9) Special issue ‘Twentieth Birthday and Millenium Crackers’, Organization Studies vol. 21, no. 0, 2000 (guest editor).

(10) Organization Behaviour´ section (38 keyword articles, between 5,000 and 10,000 words each) of: M. Warner (ed.-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Second edition. London: Thomson Learning 2002.

(11) Organization. London: Thomson Learning 2002.

(12) Sorge, Arndt (Hg.) : Internationalisierung: Gestaltungschancen statt Globalisierungsschicksal, Berlin: edition sigma 2009, 307.

Articles in scholarly periodicals with peer review

(1) Industrialisierung, Interessenvertretung, Wertrationalität: Zur makrosoziologischen Erklärung verschiedenartiger Reaktionen auf einheitliche Entwicklungsanstöße. Soziale Welt vol. 26, 1975, 357-384.

(2) The Evolution of Industrial Democracy in the Countries of the European Community. British Journal of Industrial Relations vol. 14, 1976, 274-294.

(3) Engineers in Management. Journal of General Management vol.5 no.1, 1979, 46-57.

(4) Societal Differences in Organizing Manufacturing Units. A Comparison of France, West Germany and Great Britain. Organization Studies vol. 1 no.1, 1980, 59-86 (with M. Maurice and M. Warner). Reprinted in: Organizational Science (Japan), vol 13, no. 4, 1979, 37-55. Reprinted in: International Studies of Management and Organization, issue 'Organizations and Societies', vol. 10, no. 4, Winter 1980/81, 74-100. Reprinted in: S.R. Clegg (ed.), Central Currents in Organization Studies, vol. 4:Institutions, Economics and Organizations. London etc.: Sage 2001. Reprinted in: R.Whitley (ed.), Competing Capitalisms: Institutions and Economies vol. 1, 401-428. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2002

(5) The Context of Industrial Relations in Great Britain and West Germany. Industrial Relations Journal vol. 11 no. 1, 1980, 41-49 (with M. Warner).

(6) Manpower Training, Manufacturing Organization and Workplace Relations in Great Britain and West Germany. British Journal of Industrial Relations vol. 18 no. 3, 1980, 318-333 (with M. Warner).

(7) Contesto socioculturale e organizzazione industriale: un confronto tra Francia, Ger­mania Occidentale e Gran Bretagna. Studi Organizzativi no. 2, 1980, 43-76 (with M. Maurice und M. Warner).

(8) Comparative Analysis of British and German Firms. Management International Re­view vol. 21 no. 1, 1981, 35-48 (with M. Warner).

(9) The Decline of the Management Ethic. Journal of General Management vol.6 no.3, Spring 1981, 36-50 (with M. Fores).

(10) Culture and Organisation. Journal of General Management vol.7 no.2, Winter 1981/82, 62-80.

(11) Comparing Work Organizations and Manpower Training Cross-Culturally. Interna­tional Journal of Manpower vol.2 no.3, 1981, 2-6 (with M. Warner).

(12) Qualifikationsspielräume bei der Anwendung der Mikroelektronik. Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung vol. 16 no. 1, 1983, 61-67 (with A. Dirrheimer and G. Hartmann).

(13) Cultured Organization. International Studies of Management and Organization, vol. 12 no. 4, winter 1982/83, 106-138.

(14) Automating the Shop Floor: Applications of CNC in Manufacturing in Great Britain and West Germany. Journal of General Management vol. 8 no. 3, 1983, 26-38 (with I.Nicholas, M. Warner, G. Hartmann).

(15) Polarisation ou dépolarisation de la structure des qualifications. Formation-Emploi vol. 1 no.2, 1983, 35-43 (with G. Hartmann, M. Warner, I. Nicholas.

(16) Computerised Machine-Tools, Manpower Consequences and Skill Utilisation: A Study of British and West German Manufacturing Firms. British Journal of Industrial Relations vol. 21 no. 2, 1983, 221-231 (with G. Hartmann, I. Nicholas, M. Warner). Reprinted in: E. Rhodes and D. Wield (eds.), Implementing New Technologies. Choice, Decision and Change in Manufacturing, 352-360. Oxford: Blackwell 1985.

(17) Organizzazione del lavoro e struttura delle qualifiche nei processi lavorativi com­puterizzati. Studi Organizzativi no.2, 1985, 133-149 (with G. Hartmann, I. Nicholas, M.Warner). Reprinted in: Regione Emilia-Romagna, Prov. di Bologna, Commune di Bologna (eds.), Innovazione e relazioni industriali. Progettazione, organizzazione, qualità del lavoro. Milano: Franco Angeli 1988, 43-62.

(18) Technik, sozialer Wandel und soziologisches Beharrungsvermögen. Verlauf und Ergebnisse des 23. Deutschen Soziologentages in Hamburg. Soziale Welt, vol. 37 no. 4, 487-496.

(19) An Essay on Technical Change: Its Dimensions and Social and Strategic Context. Organization Studies vol. 10 no. 1, 1989, 23-44.

(20) Microelectronics Applications, Product Strategies and Competence Needs in Great Britain and West Germany. Human Systems Management vol. 8 no. 2, 1989, 155-166 (with A. Campbell and M. Warner).

(21) Technological Change, Product Strategies and Human Resources: Defining Anglo-German Differences. Journal of General Management vol. 15 no. 3, 1990, 39-54 (with A. Campbell and M. Warner).

(22) The Societal Effect in Strategies and Competitiveness of Machine-Tool Manu­facturers in France and West Germany. International Journal of Human Resource Management vol.1 no.2, 1990, 141-172 (with Marc Maurice). Revised version re­printed in: B. Kogut (ed.), Country Competitiveness. Technology and the Organiz­ing of Work, 75-95. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press 1993.

(23) Strategic Fit and the Societal Effect. Interpreting Cross-National Comparisons of Technology, Organization and Human Resources. Organization Studies vol. 12 no. 2, 1991, 161-190. Reprinted in: S.R. Clegg (ed.), Central Currents in Organization Studies, vol. 4: Institutions, Economics and Organizations. London etc.: Sage 2001. Reprinted in: R. Whitley (ed.), Competing Capitalisms: Institutions and Economies vol. 2, 354-383. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2002

(24) Technological Diversity and Coherence in Europe. An Analytical Overview. Revue d'Economie Industrielle no. 59, 1992, 9-26 (with P. Cohendet and P. Llerena).

(25) Human Resource Management in the Netherlands. Employee Relations vol. 14 no. 4, 1992, 71-84.

(26) Arbeit, Organisation und Arbeitsbeziehungen in Ostdeutschland. Berliner Journal für Soziologie vol. 3 no. 4, 1993, 549-567.

(27) Editorial: Special issue 'Cross-national organization culture'. Organization Studies vol. 15, no. 3, 1994, VII-X.

(28) Human Resource Management in Relation to Generic Strategies: A Comparison of chemical and food and drink companies in the Netherlands and Great Britain. International Journal of Human Resource Management vol. 7 no. 2, 1996, 383-412 (with M.Heijltjes and A. van Witteloostuijn).

(29) Concurrentie-omgeving en strategie-profiel. Een analyse van Britse en Nederlandse bedrijfstakken. Bedrijfskunde vol. 68 no. 3, 1996, 51-65 (with M. Heijltjes and A. van Witteloostuijn.

(30) Gesellschaftliche Effekte bei der Globalisierung von Handlungshorizonten in Euro­pa. Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie special issue 40, 2000, ‘Die Europäisierung der nationalen Gesellschaft’ (M. Bach, ed.), 403-428.

(31) The relative impact of country-of-origin and universal contingencies on interna­tionalization strategies and corporate control in multinational enterprises: World-wide and European perspectives. Organization Studies vol. 24 no. 2, 2003, 187-214 (with Anne-Wil Harzing).

(32) Organizational process, strategic content and socio-economic resources: Small enterprises in East Germany, 1990-94. Organization Studies vol. 24 no.8, 2003, 1261-1281 (with Martin Brussig).

(33) Exploring the internationalisation process of small businesses: A study of Dutch old and new economy firms. Management International Review vol. 44 no. 2, 2004, 127-150 (with M. Brand and Gerda Gemser).

(34) The (non)sense of organizational change: An essai about universal management hypes, sick consultancy metaphors, and healthy organization theories. Organization Studies vol. 25 no. 7, 2004, 1205-31 (with Arjen van Witteloostuijn).

(35) Organizing Socially Constructed Internal and External Resources. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, vol 162 no 1, 2006, 172-193

(36) The (Non)sense of Organizational Change Continued: A Rejoinder to Armbrüster and Glückler. Organization Studies, vol. 28 no 12, 2007, 1887-1892 (with Arjen van Witteloostuijn).

(37) Rejoinder to Campbell and Herrigel: complexity and simplicity of understanding and of disciplinary architectures in Socio-Economic Review 5(1), 2007, 181-196.

(38) Creating a High-Trust Organization: An Exploration into Organizational Policies that Stimulate Interpersonal Trust Building, in: Journal of Management Studies 45:5, July 2008, 857-884 (together with Frédérique Six)

Academic contributions in edited volumes and non-refereed journals

(1) The Cultural Context of Organization Structure: Administrative Rationality, Con­straints and Choice, in: M. Warner (ed.), Organizational Choice and Constraint: Approaches to the Sociology of Enterprise Behaviour. London: Saxon House - Teakfield 1977, 57-78.

(2) The Management Tradition: A Continental View, in: M. Fores und I. Glover (eds.), Manufacturing and Management, London: HMSO 1978, 87-104.

(3) Management, Technical Education and Training as a Public Concern in Britain, France and Germany. Management Research News vol. 2, 1979, 2-5.

(4) The Effect of Information Technology on Productivity and Economic Growth, in: R. Pfab, F.V. Stachelsky, J. Tonnemacher (eds.), Technische Kommunikation und gesellschaftlicher Wandel. Berlin: Verlag Volker Spiess 1980, 266-277.

(5) Industrial Relations, Organisation Structure and Social Context: A Comparative Analysis of Great Britain and West Germany, in: A. Thomson and M. Warner (eds.), The Behavioural Sciences and Industrial Relations. Some Problems of Integration. Aldershot: Gower 1981, 61-76 (with M. Warner).

(6) Technology, Organization and Manpower: Applications of CNC in Manufacturing in Great Britain and West Germany, in: N. Björn-Andersen, M. Earl, O. Holst, E. Mumford (eds.), Information Society: For Richer, For Poorer. Amsterdam: North Holland 1982, 169-181 (with G. Hartmann, M. Warner, I. Nicholas).

(7) Die betriebliche Erzeugung und Nutzung beruflicher Bildung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien, in: M. Haller and W. Müller (eds.), Be­schäftigungssystem im gesellschaftlichen Wandel: Historische Entwicklungen und internationale Strukturdifferenzen. Frankfurt: Campus 1983, 270-286.

(8) Computer Numerical Control Applications in Manufacturing, in: L. Bannon, U. Barry, O. Holst (eds.), Information Technology Impact on the Way of Life. Dublin: Tycooly International Publishing 1982, 99-113 (with G. Hartmann, M. Warner, I. Nicholas).

(9) Computerised Machine-Tools, Manpower Training and Skill Polarisation: A Study of British and West German Manufacturing Firms, in: G. Winch (ed.), Information Technology in Manufacturing Processes. Case Studies in Technological Change. Lon­don: Rossendale 1983, 81-93.

(10) Company Size and Work Organization in CNC Machining, in: T. Martin (ed.), Design of Work in Automated Manufacturing Systems. Oxford: Pergamon 1984, 7-11 (with G. Hartmann, M. Warner, I. Nicholas).

(11) Consequences of CNC Technology: A Study of British and West German Manu­facturing Firms, in: M. Warner (ed.), Microprocessors, Manpower and Society. A Comparative, Cross-National Approach. Aldershot: Gower 1984, 311-324 (with G. Hartmann, I. Nicholas, M. Warner).

(13) Mikroelektronik in der industriellen Fertigung: Das Beispiel der CNC-Technik, in: O. Ulrich (ed.), Die Informationsgesellschaft als Herausforderung an den Menschen. Beiträge zur Folgenabschätzung der Informationstechnologie, 115-131. Frankfurt: Haag und Herchen 1984 (with G. Hartmann, I. Nicholas, M. Warner).

(14) Arbeitsplatzschaffung oder Arbeitsplatzvernichtung durch Mikroelektronik? In: M. Dierkes and B. Strümpel (eds.), Wenig Arbeit - aber viel zu tun. Neue Wege der Arbeitsmarktpolitik, 36-47. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1985.

(15) Soziotechnische Gestaltung der Arbeit bei Anwendung der Mikroelektronik in Ar­beitsprozessen, in: H. Klages (ed.), Arbeitsperspektiven angewandter Sozialwissenschaft, 245-266. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1985. Reprinted in Dutch: Sociotechnische keuze en hoe daarmee om te gaan, in: J.M. Dekkers and G. Slagmolen (eds.), Flexibele Automatisering: Kansen op Beter Werk. Den Haag: COB/SER 1984.

(16) History of the IIM-LSE Research Project on Japanese Multinationals, in: S. Taka­miya and K. Thurley (eds.), Japan's Emerging Multinationals. An International Com­parison of Policies and Practices, 95-99. University of Tokyo Press 1985.

(17) Culture's Consequences, in: P. Lawrence and K. Elliott (eds.), Introducing Man­agement, 234-244. Harmondsworth: Penguin 1985.

(18) Betriebliche Bedingungen der Technikförderung, in: F.W. Scharpf and M. Brock­mann (eds.), Institutionelle Bedingungen der Arbeitsmarkt-und Beschäftigungspolitik. Frankfurt: Campus 1983, 69-89.

(19) Strategische Orientierungen des Einsatzes neuer Techniken und Arbeitsmarkt, in: F. Buttler, K. Gerlach, R. Schmiede (eds.), Arbeitsmarkt und Beschäftigung. Neuere Beiträge zur institutionalistischen Arbeitsmarktanalyse. p.263-290. Frankfurt: Cam­pus 1987.

(20) Implicaciones para el trabajo y la formacion en la fábrica del futuro. Sociologia del Trabajo no. 1, 1987, 175-187.

(21) Industrial Relations and Technical Change: The Case for an Extended Perspective, in: R. Hyman and W. Streeck (eds.), New Technology and Industrial Relations, 19-44. Oxford: Blackwell 1988 (with W. Streeck).

(22) Institutionelle Bedingungen und strategische Orientierungen des Einsatzes neuer Techniken, in: E. Ulrich and J. Bogdahn (eds.), Auswirkungen neuer Technologien. Ergebnisse eines IAB-Seminars. Nürnberg: IAB, BeitrAB 82, 1986, 88-115.

(23) Begünstigt der technische Wandel kleine und mittlere Produktionseinheiten? In: M. Fritsch and C. Hull (eds.), Arbeitsplatzdynamik und Regionalentwicklung. Beiträge zur beschäftigungspolitischen Bedeutung von Klein- und Großunternehmen, 235-244. Berlin: Sigma.

(24) Organisationskulturen: Realer Hintergrund und soziologische Bedeutung einer Mo­dewelle, in: M. Haller, H.J. Hoffmann-Nowotny, W. Zapf (eds.), Kultur und Ges­ellschaft, 193-210. Frankfurt: Campus 1989.

(25) A European Overview of Work and Vocational Training, in: M. Warner, W. Wobbe and P. Brödner (eds.), New Technology and Manufacturing Management, 147-157. Chichester: Wiley 1990.

(26) Manufacturing Products with Microelectronics: Sectoral Strengths and the Social Construction of Actors in Britain and Germany, in: E. Appelbaum and R. Schettkat (eds.), Labour Market Adjustments to Structural Change and Technological Prog­ress, 163-179. New York: Praeger 1990 (with A. Campbell and M. Warner).

(27) Unternehmensstrategien, Qualifikationsentwicklung und Erfolg von Wirts­chaftszweigen. Aufschlüsse aus zwischengesellschaftlichen Vergleichen über ind­ustrielle Mikroelektronikanwendungen, in: D. Sadowski and U. Backes-Gellner (eds.), Unternehmerische Qualifikationsstrategien im internationalen Wettbewerb, 75-95. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 1990.

(28) Arbeidsverhoudingen, Organisatie en Kwalificaties, in: Open Universiteit (ed.), Ar­beidsverhoudingen in Europa. Part 2: De Arbeidsruilrelatie in Vergelijkend Perspectief, chapter 6, 143-166. Heerlen: Open Universiteit course book 1992. Reprinted in Eng­lish: Labour Relations, Organization and Qualifications, in: J. van Ruysseveldt, R. Huiskamp and J. van Hoof (eds), Comparative Industrial & Employment Relations, 243-266. London: Sage 1995.

(29) Nieuwe Technologieen, Organisatieverandering en Kwalificaties, in: Open Uni­versiteit (ed.), Arbeidsverhoudingen in Europa. Part 2: De Arbeidsruilrelatie in Ver­gelijkend Perspectief, chapter 7, 167-192. Heerlen: Open Universiteit course book 1992. Reprinted in English: New Production Technologies and Changing Work Sys­tems, in: : J. van Ruysseveldt, R. Huiskamp and J. van Hoof (eds), Comparative Indus­trial & Employment Relations, 267-292. London: Sage 1995.

(30) Institutional and Technological Change: The Importance of Diversity. Introduction, in: D. Foray and C. Freeman (eds.), Technology and the Wealth of Nations, 271-276. London: Frances Pinter 1993. Reprinted in French: Mécanismes de la Diversité; Introduction, in: D. Foray and C. Freeman (eds.), Technologie et Richesse des Na­tions, 345-354. Paris: Economica 1993.

(31) La Technología de Producción en Europa: Contexto Social e Industrial, in: R. Dom­bois and L. Pries (eds.), Modernización Empresarial: Tendencias en América Latina y Europa, 191-212. Caracas: Nueva Sociedad 1993.

(32) Management in France, in: D.J. Hickson (ed.), Management in Western Europe. Society, Culture and Organization in Twelve Nations, 65-87. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 1993.

(33) Institutionalist Explanations: A Special Case of Strategic Fit? In: L. Zan, Zambon and A. Pettigrew (eds.), Perspectives on Strategic Change, 181-199. Boston/ Dor­drecht/ London: Kluwer 1993.

(34) Cross-National Differences in Personnel and Organization, in: A.-W. Harzing and J. van Ruysseveldt (eds.), International Human Resource Management. An Integrated Approach, chapter 5, 99-123. London 1995: Sage. 2nd revised edition: chapter 5, 117-140, London 2004: Sage.

(35) Die Reformierung technischer Bildung in Großbritannien. Zum Innenleben an­wendungsorientierter Forschung. In: D. Bögenhold, D. Hoffmeister, C. Jasper, E. Kem­per and G. Solf (eds.), Soziale Welt und soziologische Praxis. Festschrift für Heinz Hartmann zum 65. Geburtstag, 17-37. Göttingen: Otto Schwartz 1995.

(36) The Netherlands. In: I. Brunstein (ed.), Human Resource Management in Wes­tern Europe, 191-209. Berlin: de Gruyter 1995 (with A. van Iterson).

(37) Societal Effects in Cross-National Organization Studies: Conceptualizing Diversity in Actors and Systems. In: R. Whitley and P. Hull Kristensen (eds.), The Changing Euro­pean Firm. Limits to Convergence, 67-86. Löndon: Routledge 1996.

(38) Organization Behaviour, in: M. Warner (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Busi­ness and Management, vol 4, 3793-3810. London: Routledge 1996. Reprinted in: A. Sorge and M. Warner (eds.), IEBM Handbook of Organization Behaviour, 3-20. London: Thomson Business Press 1997 and 2001 (paperback edition), 3-20. Re­printed in: M. Poole and M. Warner (eds.), IEBM Handbook of Human Resource Management, 219-236. London: International Thomson Business Press 1998. Re­printed (shortened) in: M. Warner (ed.), Concise International Encyclopedia of Busi­ness and Management, 523-539. London: Thomson Business Press 1997. Summary reprinted in: M. Warner (ed.), The Pocket International Encyclopedia of Business and Management, 220-221. London: Thomson Business Press 1997. Reprinted in: International Encyclopedia of Business and Management, 2nd extended and revised edition. London: Thomson Business Press 2001. Reprinted in: M. Warner (ed.-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of Business and Management. London: Thomson Learn­ing. Second edition, volume 6, 4908-4925. Reprinted in: A. Sorge (ed.), Organization, 3-24. London: Thomson Learning.

(39) Kleinbetriebe: Entstehung, Bestandsbedingungen und Entwicklungspotentiale, in: B. Lutz, H.M. Nickel, R. Schmidt und A. Sorge (eds.), Arbeit, Arbeitsmarkt und Betriebe, 347-393. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 1996 (with M. Brussig, K. Lohr, K. Semlinger and U.Strohwald).

(40) Bureaucracy in Socialist Economic Organization and Management: The East German Experience, in: T. Clark (ed.), Advancement in Organizational Behaviour. Es­says in Honour of Derek S. Pugh, 219-239. Aldershot, Brookfield (USA), Singapore, Sydney: Ashgate 1997.

(41) Vertical Integration into Electronics: Transaction Costs and Organization Domain. In: A. Bugra and B. Usdiken (eds.), State, Market and Organizational Form, 173-200. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter 1997. Republished in revised form (with Ronald Batenburg) in: T. Edeling, W. Jann and D. Wagner (eds.), In­stitutionenökonomie und Neuer Institutionalismus, 177-204. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 1999.

(42) La construction sociale de l’innovation et des innovateurs en Allemagne et en Grande-Bretagne, in: C. Lanciano, M. Maurice, J.-J. Silvestre and H. Nohara (eds.), Les Acteurs de l’Innovation et l’Entreprise. France - Europe - Japon, 125-144. Paris: L’Harmattan 1998.

(43) The Provincialization of Work and Organization in a Globalizing World? In W. van Rossum (ed.), Interventies en hun consequenties. Proceedings van de negende NOBO-onderzoeksdag, 17 november 1999, 117-144. Uitgeverij Universiteit Twente 1999.

(44) The Diabolical Dialectics of Societal Effects, in: M. Maurice and A. Sorge (eds.), Embedding Organizations. Societal Analysis of Actors, Organizations and Socio Economic Context, chapter 3, 37-56. Amsterdam: Benjamins 2000.

(45) ‘General Introduction’ (p.1-6) and ‘Conclusions’ (p.389-399), in: M. Maurice and A. Sorge (eds.), Embedding Organizations. Societal Analysis of Actors, Organizations and Socio-Economic Context. Amsterdam: Benjamins 2000.

(46) ‘German Corporatism: Dead or Alive? In R. Harding and W.E. Patterson (eds.), The Future of the German Economy, 101-121. Manchester/ New York: Manchester Uni­versity Press (with R. Harding).

(47) ‘Headquarters-Subsidiary Relationships in Multinational Companies: A British-German Comparison’. In: M. Geppert, D. Matten and K. Williams (eds.), Challenges for European Management in a Global Context. Experiences from Britain and Germany, 96-118. Houndsmill, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2002 (with A.-W. Harzing and J. Paauwe).

(48) ‘Kulturvergleichende Organisationsforschung’. In: G. Schreyögg and A. von Werder (eds.), Handwörterbuch der Unternehmensführung und Organisation, 716-724. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel 2004, 4th completely revised edition.

(49) ‘Systemic Perspectives on Business Practices and Institutions. A Plea beyond Comparative Statics’. In: G. Morgan, R. Whitley and E. Moen (eds.), Changing Capitalisms? Internationalization, Institutional Change, and Systems of Economic Or­ganization, 110-136. Oxford University Press 2005.

(50) ‘Les relations entre l’apprentissage des connaissances et les systèmes de forma­tion en Europe’. In: B. Hamori, Czeglédi, L. Jankovics and B. Sági (eds.), Paradigm Shift – Information, Knowledge and Innovation in the New Economy. Conference Proceedings, 91-114. Debrecen: University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 2005.

(51) Boogers-van Griethuijsen, Ben J.M. Emans, Janka I. Stoker, Astrid, Arndt M. Sorge, „Twelf Foundations for the Power Position of Consultants”, in: Eran Vigoda-Gadot, Amos Drory (eds.), Handbook of Organizational Politics, Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar 2006, 313-327.

52) Mitbestimmung für die Europäische Aktiengesellschaft: Nützliche Lehren aus mehr als dreißig Jahren Seifenopern: Jens Beckert, Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Anke Hassel, Philip Manow (eds.). Transformationen des Kapitalismus. Festschrift für Wolfgang Streeck zum sechzigsten Geburtstag. Frankfurt/M. Campus, 2006, 249-271.
Also: Discussion Paper SP III 2006-204, Berlin : WZB, 2006, 24.

(53) Was ist von einer produktiven Wissensgesellschaft durch nachhaltige Innovation und Berufsbildung zu erwarten? in: Kocka, Jürgen (Hg.) : Zukunftsfähigkeit Deutschlands. Sozialwissenschaftliche Essays, WZB-Jahrbuch 2006, Berlin: edition sigma 2007, 229-249
(ebenfalls erschienen in: Kocka, Jürgen (Hg.) : Zukunftsfähigkeit Deutschlands. Sozialwissenschaftliche Essays, Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung 2008, Schriftenreihe Band 693, 229-249.

Internationale Lehren aus der Wirtschaftskrise, in: vorgänge, Zeitschrift für Bürgerrechte und Gesellschaftspolitik, 48. Jg., H. 2, 2009 (June), 38-45.

(55) Internationalisierung: Gestaltungschancen statt Globalisierungsschicksal, in: Sorge, Arndt (Hg.) : Internationalisierung: Gestaltungschancen statt Globalisierungsschicksal, Berlin: edition sigma 2009, 9-26 (mit Maryse Brand und Gerda Gemser).

(56) Internationalisierung beginnt zu Hause und kann im Ausland enden, in: Sorge, Arndt (Hg.) : Internationalisierung: Gestaltungschancen statt Globalisierungsschicksal, Berlin: edition sigma 2009, 199-220.

Other articles

(1) Modelle industrieller Demokratie in der EG. Manager-Magazin 6/1975, 62-65 (with K.Nagels).

(2) Germany's Frontline Force. Management Today , March 1978, 86-89 (with M. Fores and P. Lawrence).

(3) Why Germany Produces Better. Management Today, November 1978, 86-89 (with M.Fores and P. Lawrence).

(4) Fertigung ist ein schmutziges Geschäft. Manager-Magazin 4/1979, 86-99 (with M. Fores and P. Lawrence).

(5) Neue Technik: Wohin steuert die Berufsbildung? Berufsbildung, Informationsbulletin des Europäischen Zentrums für die Förderung der Berufsbildung, no. 5, May 1981, 5-7.

(6) Auswirkungen sind gestaltbar. Die Industrie, 36/4, September 1981, 22-23 (with G.Hartmann).

(7) Betriebsorganisation, Mikroelektronik verändert Organisationsstrukturen. VDI-Nachrichten, vol. 36 no. 21, 21 May 1982, 38 (with G. Hartmann).

(8) New Technology and Craftsmen's Skills in Great Britain and West Germany. Em­ployee Relations vol. 4 no. 5, 1982, 21-23.

(9) Polarisierung der Qualifikationsstrukturen in der Zukunft? Berufsbildung, In­formationsbulletin des Europäischen Zentrums für die Förderung der Berufsbildung, no. 11, 1983, 25-29 (with G. Hartmann, M. Warner, I. Nicholas).

(10) Dressur des Automaten. Organisatorische Problematik der Werks­tattprogrammierung. Wirtschaft & Produktivität no. 11, 1983, 4 (with G. Hartmann).

(11) Notes on the Seminar Discussion, in: European Centre for the Development of Vo­cational Training (ed.), Microelectronics and Informatics Technology and their Training Implications in Firms. Luxemburg: Office for Official Publications of the Euro­pean Communities 1984, 109-119 (also in other languages of the EC).

(12) Auf dem Wege zur "automatisierten Fabrik"? Der Bürger im Staat vol. 35 no. 2, June 1985, 86-89. Reprinted in: H.G. Wehling (ed.), Die technologische Revolution und ihre Folgen, 69-79. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 1985.

(13) Het personeelsbelijd. Reliëf, Nieuwsbulletin Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen vol. 3 no. 3, 1991, 4-5.

(14) Inside Story: Decision-Making Inside a CNRS Commission. Organization Studies vol. 13 no. 3, 1992, 453-459. Reprinted in: Sociologie du Travail no. 3, 1993, 351-356 (La Prise de Décision dans une Commission CNRS: Une Vue de l´Intérieur).

(15) The Reform of Technical Education and Training in Great Britain. A Comparison of Institutional Learning in Europe. Vocational Training - European Journal no. 3, 1994, 58-68 (also available in 9 other languages of the European Community).

(16) Een koffer in Maastricht. In: Elpenbeen & Mergelsteen. Twintig Jaar Universiteit in Maastricht, 65-69. Maastricht: Rijksuniversiteit Limburg 1996.

(17) Breitenwirkung. Mitbestimmung no. 6, 1998, 47-50.

(18) Everything you always wanted to know about ‘Quality’ but were afraid to ask. Voca­tional Training - European Journal, 1999, 1-3 (also in the French, German and Spanish editions of the journal).

(19) La continuité de la formation supérieure non-universitaire en Allemagne et aux Pays-Bas. In: Les premières formations supérieures dans les universités. Réponse européénne. Colloque inaugural de l’antenne de Bretagne de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan. Bruz: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan 1999.

(20) Heinz Hartmann zum Anlass seines 70. Geburtstages (12.2.2000). Kölner Zeit­schrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie vol. 52 no.2, 2000, 393-395.

(21) Vereniging, verscheidenheid en verzadiging bij de oosterburen. De Academische Boekengids no. 30, december 2001, 4-6.

Book reviews

(1) David Brown and Michael J. Harrison Sociology of Industrialisation, London 1979: Macmillan, in: Organization Studies 1/3, 1980, 288-289.

(2) Alan Peacock, Rob Grant, Martin Ricketts, G.K. Shaw, Elaine Wagner Structural Economic Policies in West Germany and the United Kingdom, London 1980: Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, in: Journal of General Management 6/3, 1981.

(3) Geert Hofstede Culture's Consequences, Beverly Hills/New York 1980: Sage, in: Administrative Science Quarterly 28/4, 1983, 628-629.

(4) Vom wissenschaftlichen Dauerbrenner zum gesellschaftlichen Mythos: Mikroelektronik (review article on seven books, in: Soziologische Revue, special issue 1, 1984, 105-113.

(5) Marc Maurice, François Sellier, Jean-Jacques Silvestre Politique d'éducation et organisation industrielle en France et en Allemagne. Essai d'a-nalyse sociétale, Paris 1982: Presses Universitaires de France, in: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 36/1, 186-188, 1984.

(6) Roger Bennett Management Research: Guide for Institutions and Professionals. Genf: ILO, Management Development Series no. 20, 1983, in: Journal of General Management 10/1, 91-92, 1984.

(7) Nigel Piercy The Management of New Information Technology. London & Sydney: Croom Helm;New
York: Nichols, 1984, in: Journal of General Management, 10/3, 89-90, 1985.

(8) Stephen T. Parkinson New Product Development in Engineering. A Comparison of the British and West Ger-
man Machine Tool industries, Cambridge University Press 1984, in: Journal of General
Management 10/4, 105-106, 1985.

(9) Peter Lawrence Management in Action, London 1984: Routledge & Kegan Paul, in: Organization Studies 6/3, 1985, 303-304.

(10) Horst Kern and Michael Schumann Das Ende der Arbeitsteilung? München 1984: C.H. Beck, in: Economic and Industrial Democracy 6/4, 1985, 501-503.

(11) Philippe Bernoux La sociologie des organisations. Paris 1985: Editions du Seuil, in: Organization Studies 8/1, 1987, 93-94.

(12) E. Seppelfeld, E. Rost-Schaude and G. Klatt Neue Technologien und Berufsbildung. Qualifizierungsmassnahmen in der BRD. Frank­furt: Campus 1986, in: Spektrum der Wissenschaft no. 3, 1988, 124-125.

(13) J. Bergmann, H. Hirsch-Kreinsen, R. Springer, H. Wolf Rationalisierung, Technisierung und Kontrolle des Arbeitsprozesses. Die Einführung der CNC-Technologie in Betrieben des Maschinenbaus. Frankfurt: Campus 1986, in: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie no. 1, 1988, 178-179.

(14) D. Simpson, J. Love, J. Walker The Challenge of New Technology. Brighton (UK) and Boulder, Colo.: Wheat-sheaf/Westview, in: New Technology, Work and Employment 3/2, 1988, 154.

(15) R. Stockmann Gesellschaftliche Modernisierung und Betriebsstruktur. Die Entwicklung von Arbeits­stätten in Deutschland 1875-1980. Frankfurt: Campus 1987, in: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie no. 4, 1988, 799-801.

(16) Michael Poole Industrial Relations: Origins and Patterns of National Diversity. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul 1986, in: Organization Studies 9/4, 1988, 599-600.

(17) Keith Hayward International Collaboration in Civil Aerospace. London: Frances Pinter 1986, in : Journal of General Management 15/1, 1989, 101-103.

(18) Christel Lane Management and Labour in Europe. The Industrial Enterprise in Germany, Britain and France. Aldershot: Edward Elgar 1989, in: Organization Studies 11/3, 1990, 451-454.

(19) Peter Lawrence Management in the Netherlands. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1991, in: Management Re­vue 3/3, 1992, 257-261.

(20) Lothar Lappe Berufsperspektiven junger Facharbeiter. Eine qualitative Längsschnittanalyse zum Kernbereich westdeutscher Industriearbeit. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus 1993, in: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie no. 1, 1994, 165-167.

(21) Martin Beirne and Harvey Ramsay (eds.) Information Technology and Workplace Democracy. London/ New York: Routledge 1992, in: Economic and Social Democracy 15/2, 1994, 293-295.

(22) Rudi Schmidt (ed.) Zwischenbilanz. Analysen zum Transformationsprozeß der ostdeutschen Industrie. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag 1993, in: Soziologische Revue vol. 18, no. 2, 1995, 219-222.

(23) Colin Crouch Industrial Relations and European State Traditions. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1993, in: management revue vol. 6, no. 2, 1995, 11-115.

(24) Erwin C. Hargrove Prisoners of Myth. The Leadership of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 1933-1990. Princeton University Press 1994, in: Organization Studies vol. 17, no. 3, 1996, 549-

(25) ‘Veränderungen von Arbeit, Beruf und Wirtschaft in Ostdeutschland’. Collective review of 9 books, in: Soziologische Revue vol. 19, no. 4, 1996, 550-555 (with M. Geppert and K. Lohr).

(26) Walter Müller-Jentsch, Hans-Joachim Sperling and Irmgard Weyrather Neue Technologien in der Verhandlungsarena. Schweden, Großbritannien und Deutschland im Vergleich. München and Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag 1997. In: WSI Mitteilungen vol. 52, no. 7, 1999, 485-487.

(27) Derek S. Pugh (ed.) The Aston Programme, vols. I-III. The Aston Study and Its Developments. Aldershot: Ashgate/Dartmouth 1998. In: Organization Studies vol. 22, no. 4, 2001, 717-724.

(28) Peter Clark: Organizations in Action. Competition between Contexts. London/ New York: Routledge 2000. In: Organization Studies vol. 23, no. 1, 2002, 153-156.

(29) Nico Stehr: Wissen und Wirtschaften. Die gesellschaftlichen Grundlagen der modernen Ökonomie. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp 2001. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie vol. 54, no. 2, 2002, 381-383.

Discussion papers

(1) Management, Technical Education and Training as a Public Concern in Britain, France, and Germany, IIM/LMP discussion paper 78-33.

(2) The Societal and Organizational Context of Industrial Relations: A Comparison of Great Britain and West Germany, IIM/LMP discussion paper 78-53 (with M. Warner).

(3) The Rational Fallacy, IIM/LMP discussion paper 78-84 (with M. Fores).

(4) Manpower Training, Manufacturing Organization and Work Roles in Great Britain and West Germany, IIM/LMP discussion paper 78-96 (with M. Warner).

(5) Technical Change, Manufacturing Organization and Labour Markets. Effects and Op­tions of Microelectronics, IIM/LMP discussion paper 79-15.

(6) Culture and Organisation, IIM/LMP discussion paper 78-29.

(7) The Fifth Discontinuity, IIM/LMP discussion paper 79-84 (with M. Fores).

(8) The Decline of the Management Ethic, IIM/LMP discussion paper 79-75 (with M. Fores).

(9) Societal Differences in Organising Manufacturing Units: A Comparison of France, West Germany, and Great Britain, IIM/LMP discussion paper 80-3 (with M. Maurice and M.Warner).

(10) Technology and Labour Markets, IIM/LMP discussion paper 80-39 (with G. Hart­mann).

(11) Cultured Organisation, IIM/LMP discussion paper 80-9.

(12) Qualitative Veränderung der Arbeit durch neue Informationstechnik, IIM/LMP dis­cussion paper 80-3 (with A. Dirrheimer und G. Hartmann).

(13) Microelectronics and Manpower in Manufacturing: Applications of Computer Nu­merical Control in Great Britain and West Germany, IIM/LMP discussion paper 81-16 (with G. Hartmann, I. Nicholas und M. Warner).

(14) Microelectronics and Vocational Education and Training: Analysis of Responses to the "Questionaire on Vocational Training Provision and Microelectronic Technology", issued by Gen. Dir. V/B/2, document no. V/764/80 EN, IIM/LMP discussion paper 81-14.

(15) Die Erzeugung und Nutzung beruflicher Bildung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien, IIM/LMP discussion paper 82-18.

(16) Culture's Consequences for Management and Organization, IIM/LMP discussion paper 83-29.

(17) Institutionelle Bedingungen und strategische Orientierungen des Einsatzes neuer Techniken, IIM/LMP discussion paper 86-10, Berlin: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung.

(18) Industrial Relations and Technical Change: The Case for an Extended Perspective. IIM/LMP discussion paper 87-1, Berlin: Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung 1987 (with Wolfgang Streeck).

(19) Microelectronic Product Applications in Great Britain and West Germany: Product Strategies, Competence Requirements, Training and Personnel Policies. Brussels: FAST Occasional Papers No. 208, 1987 (with A. Campbell, W. Beuschel, Gensior and M. Warner).

(20) Microelectronics Applications, Product Strategies and Competence Requirements: Sectoral Strengths and Manpower Implications in Great Britain and West Germany. Cambridge University Engineering Department: Management Studies Research Paper 15/88, 1988 (with Adrian Campbell and Malcolm Warner).
(21) Dynamique Industrielle et Capacité d'Innovation de l'Industrie de la Machine-Outil en France et en RFA. Analyse Sociétale des Rapports entre "Espace de Qualification" et "Espace Industriel". Aix-en-Provence: Laboratoire d'Economie et de Sociologie du Travail, Document LEST 89-1, 1989 (with Marc Maurice).

(22) Sectoral Employment Structure, Company Strategy and Human Resources. In­terpreting Cross-National Comparisons of Industrial Microelectronics Applications, in: E. Matzner (ed.), No Way To Full Employment? Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin: Discussion Paper FS I 89-16, 1990, 140-170.

(23) Industrielle Entwicklung und Innovationsfähigkeit der Werkzeugmaschinenhersteller in Frankreich und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Gesellschaftliche Analyse der Beziehungen zwischen Qualifikation und Wirtschaftsstruktur. Discussion paper FS I 90-11, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Berlin (with M. Maurice).

(24) Modes of Usage and Diffusion of New Technologies and New Knowledge. A Syn­thesis Report. Brussels: Commission of the European Communities, MONITOR-FAST Programme Internal Paper XII-340-91, 1991 (with P. Cohendet, F. Desmartin and P. Llerena).

(24) International Organizational Observatory. Descriptive Report: The Netherlands. Maastricht 1993: University of Limburg, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Organization Studies (with M. Heijltjes and A. van Witteloostuijn).

(25) Organizing Societal Space in Globalization. Bringing Society Back In. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies working paper.…

(26) Mitbestimmung für die Europäische Aktiengesellschaft: Nützliche Lehren aus mehr als dreißig Jahren Seifenoper. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, SP III 2006-204, Berlin, 2006, 24.