Books: Single author
Sorge, Arndt (Hg.) Internationalisierung: Gestaltungschancen statt Globalisierungsschicksal
ISBN 978-3-89404-253-0 ISSN 9783894042530
2009 311 pages., Euro 24.90
(1) Doctoral dissertation: Einheitlichkeit und Verschiedenartigkeit industrieller Demokratie im zwischengesellschaftlichen Vergleich. Münster 1975.
(2) Technological Change, Employment, Qualifications and Training. Luxemburg: Office for Offical Publications of the European Communities 1984 (also published in other languages of the EC).
(3) Informationstechnik und Arbeit im sozialen Prozeß. Arbeitsorganisation, Qualifikation und Produktivkraftentwicklung. Frankfurt/M.: Campus 1985.
(4) Mitbestimmung, Arbeitsorganisation und Technikanwendung. Expertise für das Projekt ‘Mitbestimmung und neue Unternehmenskulturen’ der Bertelsmann Stiftung und der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung 1997. Reprinted in: W.Streeck and N. Kluge (eds.), Mitbestimmung in Deutschland. Tradition und Effizienz, 17-134. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus 1999.
(5) The Global and the Local. Understanding the Dialectics of Internationalization. Oxford University Press 2005.
(6) Arndt Sorge The Global and the Local: Understanding the Dialectics of Business Systems. Oxford, Oxford University Press, paperback 2006, 306.
Books: Joint author
(1) Industrielle Demokratie in Europa. Mitbestimmung und Kontrolle in der Europäischen Aktiengesellschaft. Frankfurt/M.: Campus 1977 (with K. Nagels).
(2) Mitbestimmung am Arbeitsplatz. Göttingen: Otto Schwartz (with E. Bock-Rosenthal and H. Hachmeister).
(3) Informationstechnologie und Beschäftigung. Düsseldorf: Econ 1981 (with Angela Dirrheimer, Gert Hartmann, VDI-Technologiezentrum and ´Arbeitsgruppe Wirtschaftspolitik´, University of Regensburg.
(4) Microelectronics and Manpower in Manufacturing: Application of Computer Numerical Control in Great Britain and West Germany. Aldershot: Gower Press 1983 (with G. Hartmann, M. Warner and I. Nicholas).
(5) Mikroelektronik und Arbeit in der Industrie: Erfahrungen beim Einsatz von CNC-Maschinen in Großbritannien und der Bundesrepublik. Frankfurt/ New York: Campus 1982 (with M. Warner, G. Hartmann and I. Nicholas).
(6) Comparative Factory Organisation. An Anglo-German Comparison of Manufacturing, Management and Manpower. Aldershot: Gower Press 1986 (with M. Warner).
(7) Mikroelektronik, Qualifikation und Produktinnovation. Ergebnisse von Fallstudien. Berlin: edition sigma 1988 (with W. Beuschel and S. Gensior).
(8) Microelectronic Product Applications in Great Britain and West Germany: Strategies, Competence and Training. Aldershot: Gower Press 1989 (with A. Campbell and M. Warner).
(9) Maatwerk in overleg. Kiezen voor passende overlegvormen: Ervaringen in grote Nederlandse bedrijven. Assen: Van Gorcum 2005 (with Rienk Goodijk).
Books: Editor
(1) International Yearbook of Organizational Democracy, vol. II. Chichester (GB): Wiley (ed., with Bernhard Wilpert), 1984.
(2) Human Resources in the Computerized Factory. Special issue of: Human Systems Management, vol. 6, no. 3, 1983 (ed., with D. Gerwin and M. Warner).
(3)Special issue 'Cross-national organization culture', Organization Studies vol. 15, no. 3, 1994 (guest ed.).
(4) Organization Behaviour´ section (32 keyword articles, between 5,000 and 10,000 words each) of: M. Warner (ed.-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of Business and Management. London: Routledge 1996.
(5) Arbeit, Arbeitsmarkt und Betriebe. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 1996 (ed., with B. Lutz, H.M. Nickel and R. Schmidt).
(6) Kleinbetriebe in den neuen Bundesländern: Bestandsbedingungen und Entwicklungspotentiale. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 1996 (ed., with M. Brussig, K. Lohr, K. Semlinger and U. Strohwald).
(7) IEBM Handbook of Organization Behaviour. London: Thomson Business Press 1997, reprinted paperback edition 2001 (ed., with M. Warner).
(8) Embedding Organizations. Societal Analysis of Actors, Organizations and Socio-Economic Context. Amsterdam: Benjamins 2000 (ed. with M. Maurice).
(9) Special issue ‘Twentieth Birthday and Millenium Crackers’, Organization Studies vol. 21, no. 0, 2000 (guest editor).
(10) Organization Behaviour´ section (38 keyword articles, between 5,000 and 10,000 words each) of: M. Warner (ed.-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Second edition. London: Thomson Learning 2002.
(11) Organization. London: Thomson Learning 2002.
(12) Sorge, Arndt (Hg.) : Internationalisierung: Gestaltungschancen statt Globalisierungsschicksal, Berlin: edition sigma 2009, 307.
Articles in scholarly periodicals with peer review
(1) Industrialisierung, Interessenvertretung, Wertrationalität: Zur makrosoziologischen Erklärung verschiedenartiger Reaktionen auf einheitliche Entwicklungsanstöße. Soziale Welt vol. 26, 1975, 357-384.
(2) The Evolution of Industrial Democracy in the Countries of the European Community. British Journal of Industrial Relations vol. 14, 1976, 274-294.
(3) Engineers in Management. Journal of General Management vol.5 no.1, 1979, 46-57.
(4) Societal Differences in Organizing Manufacturing Units. A Comparison of France, West Germany and Great Britain. Organization Studies vol. 1 no.1, 1980, 59-86 (with M. Maurice and M. Warner). Reprinted in: Organizational Science (Japan), vol 13, no. 4, 1979, 37-55. Reprinted in: International Studies of Management and Organization, issue 'Organizations and Societies', vol. 10, no. 4, Winter 1980/81, 74-100. Reprinted in: S.R. Clegg (ed.), Central Currents in Organization Studies, vol. 4:Institutions, Economics and Organizations. London etc.: Sage 2001. Reprinted in: R.Whitley (ed.), Competing Capitalisms: Institutions and Economies vol. 1, 401-428. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2002
(5) The Context of Industrial Relations in Great Britain and West Germany. Industrial Relations Journal vol. 11 no. 1, 1980, 41-49 (with M. Warner).
(6) Manpower Training, Manufacturing Organization and Workplace Relations in Great Britain and West Germany. British Journal of Industrial Relations vol. 18 no. 3, 1980, 318-333 (with M. Warner).
(7) Contesto socioculturale e organizzazione industriale: un confronto tra Francia, Germania Occidentale e Gran Bretagna. Studi Organizzativi no. 2, 1980, 43-76 (with M. Maurice und M. Warner).
(8) Comparative Analysis of British and German Firms. Management International Review vol. 21 no. 1, 1981, 35-48 (with M. Warner).
(9) The Decline of the Management Ethic. Journal of General Management vol.6 no.3, Spring 1981, 36-50 (with M. Fores).
(10) Culture and Organisation. Journal of General Management vol.7 no.2, Winter 1981/82, 62-80.
(11) Comparing Work Organizations and Manpower Training Cross-Culturally. International Journal of Manpower vol.2 no.3, 1981, 2-6 (with M. Warner).
(12) Qualifikationsspielräume bei der Anwendung der Mikroelektronik. Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung vol. 16 no. 1, 1983, 61-67 (with A. Dirrheimer and G. Hartmann).
(13) Cultured Organization. International Studies of Management and Organization, vol. 12 no. 4, winter 1982/83, 106-138.
(14) Automating the Shop Floor: Applications of CNC in Manufacturing in Great Britain and West Germany. Journal of General Management vol. 8 no. 3, 1983, 26-38 (with I.Nicholas, M. Warner, G. Hartmann).
(15) Polarisation ou dépolarisation de la structure des qualifications. Formation-Emploi vol. 1 no.2, 1983, 35-43 (with G. Hartmann, M. Warner, I. Nicholas.
(16) Computerised Machine-Tools, Manpower Consequences and Skill Utilisation: A Study of British and West German Manufacturing Firms. British Journal of Industrial Relations vol. 21 no. 2, 1983, 221-231 (with G. Hartmann, I. Nicholas, M. Warner). Reprinted in: E. Rhodes and D. Wield (eds.), Implementing New Technologies. Choice, Decision and Change in Manufacturing, 352-360. Oxford: Blackwell 1985.
(17) Organizzazione del lavoro e struttura delle qualifiche nei processi lavorativi computerizzati. Studi Organizzativi no.2, 1985, 133-149 (with G. Hartmann, I. Nicholas, M.Warner). Reprinted in: Regione Emilia-Romagna, Prov. di Bologna, Commune di Bologna (eds.), Innovazione e relazioni industriali. Progettazione, organizzazione, qualità del lavoro. Milano: Franco Angeli 1988, 43-62.
(18) Technik, sozialer Wandel und soziologisches Beharrungsvermögen. Verlauf und Ergebnisse des 23. Deutschen Soziologentages in Hamburg. Soziale Welt, vol. 37 no. 4, 487-496.
(19) An Essay on Technical Change: Its Dimensions and Social and Strategic Context. Organization Studies vol. 10 no. 1, 1989, 23-44.
(20) Microelectronics Applications, Product Strategies and Competence Needs in Great Britain and West Germany. Human Systems Management vol. 8 no. 2, 1989, 155-166 (with A. Campbell and M. Warner).
(21) Technological Change, Product Strategies and Human Resources: Defining Anglo-German Differences. Journal of General Management vol. 15 no. 3, 1990, 39-54 (with A. Campbell and M. Warner).
(22) The Societal Effect in Strategies and Competitiveness of Machine-Tool Manufacturers in France and West Germany. International Journal of Human Resource Management vol.1 no.2, 1990, 141-172 (with Marc Maurice). Revised version reprinted in: B. Kogut (ed.), Country Competitiveness. Technology and the Organizing of Work, 75-95. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press 1993.
(23) Strategic Fit and the Societal Effect. Interpreting Cross-National Comparisons of Technology, Organization and Human Resources. Organization Studies vol. 12 no. 2, 1991, 161-190. Reprinted in: S.R. Clegg (ed.), Central Currents in Organization Studies, vol. 4: Institutions, Economics and Organizations. London etc.: Sage 2001. Reprinted in: R. Whitley (ed.), Competing Capitalisms: Institutions and Economies vol. 2, 354-383. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2002
(24) Technological Diversity and Coherence in Europe. An Analytical Overview. Revue d'Economie Industrielle no. 59, 1992, 9-26 (with P. Cohendet and P. Llerena).
(25) Human Resource Management in the Netherlands. Employee Relations vol. 14 no. 4, 1992, 71-84.
(26) Arbeit, Organisation und Arbeitsbeziehungen in Ostdeutschland. Berliner Journal für Soziologie vol. 3 no. 4, 1993, 549-567.
(27) Editorial: Special issue 'Cross-national organization culture'. Organization Studies vol. 15, no. 3, 1994, VII-X.
(28) Human Resource Management in Relation to Generic Strategies: A Comparison of chemical and food and drink companies in the Netherlands and Great Britain. International Journal of Human Resource Management vol. 7 no. 2, 1996, 383-412 (with M.Heijltjes and A. van Witteloostuijn).
(29) Concurrentie-omgeving en strategie-profiel. Een analyse van Britse en Nederlandse bedrijfstakken. Bedrijfskunde vol. 68 no. 3, 1996, 51-65 (with M. Heijltjes and A. van Witteloostuijn.
(30) Gesellschaftliche Effekte bei der Globalisierung von Handlungshorizonten in Europa. Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie special issue 40, 2000, ‘Die Europäisierung der nationalen Gesellschaft’ (M. Bach, ed.), 403-428.
(31) The relative impact of country-of-origin and universal contingencies on internationalization strategies and corporate control in multinational enterprises: World-wide and European perspectives. Organization Studies vol. 24 no. 2, 2003, 187-214 (with Anne-Wil Harzing).
(32) Organizational process, strategic content and socio-economic resources: Small enterprises in East Germany, 1990-94. Organization Studies vol. 24 no.8, 2003, 1261-1281 (with Martin Brussig).
(33) Exploring the internationalisation process of small businesses: A study of Dutch old and new economy firms. Management International Review vol. 44 no. 2, 2004, 127-150 (with M. Brand and Gerda Gemser).
(34) The (non)sense of organizational change: An essai about universal management hypes, sick consultancy metaphors, and healthy organization theories. Organization Studies vol. 25 no. 7, 2004, 1205-31 (with Arjen van Witteloostuijn).
(35) Organizing Socially Constructed Internal and External Resources. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, vol 162 no 1, 2006, 172-193
(36) The (Non)sense of Organizational Change Continued: A Rejoinder to Armbrüster and Glückler. Organization Studies, vol. 28 no 12, 2007, 1887-1892 (with Arjen van Witteloostuijn).
(37) Rejoinder to Campbell and Herrigel: complexity and simplicity of understanding and of disciplinary architectures in Socio-Economic Review 5(1), 2007, 181-196.
(38) Creating a High-Trust Organization: An Exploration into Organizational Policies that Stimulate Interpersonal Trust Building, in: Journal of Management Studies 45:5, July 2008, 857-884 (together with Frédérique Six)
Academic contributions in edited volumes and non-refereed journals
(1) The Cultural Context of Organization Structure: Administrative Rationality, Constraints and Choice, in: M. Warner (ed.), Organizational Choice and Constraint: Approaches to the Sociology of Enterprise Behaviour. London: Saxon House - Teakfield 1977, 57-78.
(2) The Management Tradition: A Continental View, in: M. Fores und I. Glover (eds.), Manufacturing and Management, London: HMSO 1978, 87-104.
(3) Management, Technical Education and Training as a Public Concern in Britain, France and Germany. Management Research News vol. 2, 1979, 2-5.
(4) The Effect of Information Technology on Productivity and Economic Growth, in: R. Pfab, F.V. Stachelsky, J. Tonnemacher (eds.), Technische Kommunikation und gesellschaftlicher Wandel. Berlin: Verlag Volker Spiess 1980, 266-277.
(5) Industrial Relations, Organisation Structure and Social Context: A Comparative Analysis of Great Britain and West Germany, in: A. Thomson and M. Warner (eds.), The Behavioural Sciences and Industrial Relations. Some Problems of Integration. Aldershot: Gower 1981, 61-76 (with M. Warner).
(6) Technology, Organization and Manpower: Applications of CNC in Manufacturing in Great Britain and West Germany, in: N. Björn-Andersen, M. Earl, O. Holst, E. Mumford (eds.), Information Society: For Richer, For Poorer. Amsterdam: North Holland 1982, 169-181 (with G. Hartmann, M. Warner, I. Nicholas).
(7) Die betriebliche Erzeugung und Nutzung beruflicher Bildung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien, in: M. Haller and W. Müller (eds.), Beschäftigungssystem im gesellschaftlichen Wandel: Historische Entwicklungen und internationale Strukturdifferenzen. Frankfurt: Campus 1983, 270-286.
(8) Computer Numerical Control Applications in Manufacturing, in: L. Bannon, U. Barry, O. Holst (eds.), Information Technology Impact on the Way of Life. Dublin: Tycooly International Publishing 1982, 99-113 (with G. Hartmann, M. Warner, I. Nicholas).
(9) Computerised Machine-Tools, Manpower Training and Skill Polarisation: A Study of British and West German Manufacturing Firms, in: G. Winch (ed.), Information Technology in Manufacturing Processes. Case Studies in Technological Change. London: Rossendale 1983, 81-93.
(10) Company Size and Work Organization in CNC Machining, in: T. Martin (ed.), Design of Work in Automated Manufacturing Systems. Oxford: Pergamon 1984, 7-11 (with G. Hartmann, M. Warner, I. Nicholas).
(11) Consequences of CNC Technology: A Study of British and West German Manufacturing Firms, in: M. Warner (ed.), Microprocessors, Manpower and Society. A Comparative, Cross-National Approach. Aldershot: Gower 1984, 311-324 (with G. Hartmann, I. Nicholas, M. Warner).
(13) Mikroelektronik in der industriellen Fertigung: Das Beispiel der CNC-Technik, in: O. Ulrich (ed.), Die Informationsgesellschaft als Herausforderung an den Menschen. Beiträge zur Folgenabschätzung der Informationstechnologie, 115-131. Frankfurt: Haag und Herchen 1984 (with G. Hartmann, I. Nicholas, M. Warner).
(14) Arbeitsplatzschaffung oder Arbeitsplatzvernichtung durch Mikroelektronik? In: M. Dierkes and B. Strümpel (eds.), Wenig Arbeit - aber viel zu tun. Neue Wege der Arbeitsmarktpolitik, 36-47. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1985.
(15) Soziotechnische Gestaltung der Arbeit bei Anwendung der Mikroelektronik in Arbeitsprozessen, in: H. Klages (ed.), Arbeitsperspektiven angewandter Sozialwissenschaft, 245-266. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1985. Reprinted in Dutch: Sociotechnische keuze en hoe daarmee om te gaan, in: J.M. Dekkers and G. Slagmolen (eds.), Flexibele Automatisering: Kansen op Beter Werk. Den Haag: COB/SER 1984.
(16) History of the IIM-LSE Research Project on Japanese Multinationals, in: S. Takamiya and K. Thurley (eds.), Japan's Emerging Multinationals. An International Comparison of Policies and Practices, 95-99. University of Tokyo Press 1985.
(17) Culture's Consequences, in: P. Lawrence and K. Elliott (eds.), Introducing Management, 234-244. Harmondsworth: Penguin 1985.
(18) Betriebliche Bedingungen der Technikförderung, in: F.W. Scharpf and M. Brockmann (eds.), Institutionelle Bedingungen der Arbeitsmarkt-und Beschäftigungspolitik. Frankfurt: Campus 1983, 69-89.
(19) Strategische Orientierungen des Einsatzes neuer Techniken und Arbeitsmarkt, in: F. Buttler, K. Gerlach, R. Schmiede (eds.), Arbeitsmarkt und Beschäftigung. Neuere Beiträge zur institutionalistischen Arbeitsmarktanalyse. p.263-290. Frankfurt: Campus 1987.
(20) Implicaciones para el trabajo y la formacion en la fábrica del futuro. Sociologia del Trabajo no. 1, 1987, 175-187.
(21) Industrial Relations and Technical Change: The Case for an Extended Perspective, in: R. Hyman and W. Streeck (eds.), New Technology and Industrial Relations, 19-44. Oxford: Blackwell 1988 (with W. Streeck).
(22) Institutionelle Bedingungen und strategische Orientierungen des Einsatzes neuer Techniken, in: E. Ulrich and J. Bogdahn (eds.), Auswirkungen neuer Technologien. Ergebnisse eines IAB-Seminars. Nürnberg: IAB, BeitrAB 82, 1986, 88-115.
(23) Begünstigt der technische Wandel kleine und mittlere Produktionseinheiten? In: M. Fritsch and C. Hull (eds.), Arbeitsplatzdynamik und Regionalentwicklung. Beiträge zur beschäftigungspolitischen Bedeutung von Klein- und Großunternehmen, 235-244. Berlin: Sigma.
(24) Organisationskulturen: Realer Hintergrund und soziologische Bedeutung einer Modewelle, in: M. Haller, H.J. Hoffmann-Nowotny, W. Zapf (eds.), Kultur und Gesellschaft, 193-210. Frankfurt: Campus 1989.
(25) A European Overview of Work and Vocational Training, in: M. Warner, W. Wobbe and P. Brödner (eds.), New Technology and Manufacturing Management, 147-157. Chichester: Wiley 1990.
(26) Manufacturing Products with Microelectronics: Sectoral Strengths and the Social Construction of Actors in Britain and Germany, in: E. Appelbaum and R. Schettkat (eds.), Labour Market Adjustments to Structural Change and Technological Progress, 163-179. New York: Praeger 1990 (with A. Campbell and M. Warner).
(27) Unternehmensstrategien, Qualifikationsentwicklung und Erfolg von Wirtschaftszweigen. Aufschlüsse aus zwischengesellschaftlichen Vergleichen über industrielle Mikroelektronikanwendungen, in: D. Sadowski and U. Backes-Gellner (eds.), Unternehmerische Qualifikationsstrategien im internationalen Wettbewerb, 75-95. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 1990.
(28) Arbeidsverhoudingen, Organisatie en Kwalificaties, in: Open Universiteit (ed.), Arbeidsverhoudingen in Europa. Part 2: De Arbeidsruilrelatie in Vergelijkend Perspectief, chapter 6, 143-166. Heerlen: Open Universiteit course book 1992. Reprinted in English: Labour Relations, Organization and Qualifications, in: J. van Ruysseveldt, R. Huiskamp and J. van Hoof (eds), Comparative Industrial & Employment Relations, 243-266. London: Sage 1995.
(29) Nieuwe Technologieen, Organisatieverandering en Kwalificaties, in: Open Universiteit (ed.), Arbeidsverhoudingen in Europa. Part 2: De Arbeidsruilrelatie in Vergelijkend Perspectief, chapter 7, 167-192. Heerlen: Open Universiteit course book 1992. Reprinted in English: New Production Technologies and Changing Work Systems, in: : J. van Ruysseveldt, R. Huiskamp and J. van Hoof (eds), Comparative Industrial & Employment Relations, 267-292. London: Sage 1995.
(30) Institutional and Technological Change: The Importance of Diversity. Introduction, in: D. Foray and C. Freeman (eds.), Technology and the Wealth of Nations, 271-276. London: Frances Pinter 1993. Reprinted in French: Mécanismes de la Diversité; Introduction, in: D. Foray and C. Freeman (eds.), Technologie et Richesse des Nations, 345-354. Paris: Economica 1993.
(31) La Technología de Producción en Europa: Contexto Social e Industrial, in: R. Dombois and L. Pries (eds.), Modernización Empresarial: Tendencias en América Latina y Europa, 191-212. Caracas: Nueva Sociedad 1993.
(32) Management in France, in: D.J. Hickson (ed.), Management in Western Europe. Society, Culture and Organization in Twelve Nations, 65-87. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 1993.
(33) Institutionalist Explanations: A Special Case of Strategic Fit? In: L. Zan, Zambon and A. Pettigrew (eds.), Perspectives on Strategic Change, 181-199. Boston/ Dordrecht/ London: Kluwer 1993.
(34) Cross-National Differences in Personnel and Organization, in: A.-W. Harzing and J. van Ruysseveldt (eds.), International Human Resource Management. An Integrated Approach, chapter 5, 99-123. London 1995: Sage. 2nd revised edition: chapter 5, 117-140, London 2004: Sage.
(35) Die Reformierung technischer Bildung in Großbritannien. Zum Innenleben anwendungsorientierter Forschung. In: D. Bögenhold, D. Hoffmeister, C. Jasper, E. Kemper and G. Solf (eds.), Soziale Welt und soziologische Praxis. Festschrift für Heinz Hartmann zum 65. Geburtstag, 17-37. Göttingen: Otto Schwartz 1995.
(36) The Netherlands. In: I. Brunstein (ed.), Human Resource Management in Western Europe, 191-209. Berlin: de Gruyter 1995 (with A. van Iterson).
(37) Societal Effects in Cross-National Organization Studies: Conceptualizing Diversity in Actors and Systems. In: R. Whitley and P. Hull Kristensen (eds.), The Changing European Firm. Limits to Convergence, 67-86. Löndon: Routledge 1996.
(38) Organization Behaviour, in: M. Warner (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Business and Management, vol 4, 3793-3810. London: Routledge 1996. Reprinted in: A. Sorge and M. Warner (eds.), IEBM Handbook of Organization Behaviour, 3-20. London: Thomson Business Press 1997 and 2001 (paperback edition), 3-20. Reprinted in: M. Poole and M. Warner (eds.), IEBM Handbook of Human Resource Management, 219-236. London: International Thomson Business Press 1998. Reprinted (shortened) in: M. Warner (ed.), Concise International Encyclopedia of Business and Management, 523-539. London: Thomson Business Press 1997. Summary reprinted in: M. Warner (ed.), The Pocket International Encyclopedia of Business and Management, 220-221. London: Thomson Business Press 1997. Reprinted in: International Encyclopedia of Business and Management, 2nd extended and revised edition. London: Thomson Business Press 2001. Reprinted in: M. Warner (ed.-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of Business and Management. London: Thomson Learning. Second edition, volume 6, 4908-4925. Reprinted in: A. Sorge (ed.), Organization, 3-24. London: Thomson Learning.
(39) Kleinbetriebe: Entstehung, Bestandsbedingungen und Entwicklungspotentiale, in: B. Lutz, H.M. Nickel, R. Schmidt und A. Sorge (eds.), Arbeit, Arbeitsmarkt und Betriebe, 347-393. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 1996 (with M. Brussig, K. Lohr, K. Semlinger and U.Strohwald).
(40) Bureaucracy in Socialist Economic Organization and Management: The East German Experience, in: T. Clark (ed.), Advancement in Organizational Behaviour. Essays in Honour of Derek S. Pugh, 219-239. Aldershot, Brookfield (USA), Singapore, Sydney: Ashgate 1997.
(41) Vertical Integration into Electronics: Transaction Costs and Organization Domain. In: A. Bugra and B. Usdiken (eds.), State, Market and Organizational Form, 173-200. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter 1997. Republished in revised form (with Ronald Batenburg) in: T. Edeling, W. Jann and D. Wagner (eds.), Institutionenökonomie und Neuer Institutionalismus, 177-204. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 1999.
(42) La construction sociale de l’innovation et des innovateurs en Allemagne et en Grande-Bretagne, in: C. Lanciano, M. Maurice, J.-J. Silvestre and H. Nohara (eds.), Les Acteurs de l’Innovation et l’Entreprise. France - Europe - Japon, 125-144. Paris: L’Harmattan 1998.
(43) The Provincialization of Work and Organization in a Globalizing World? In W. van Rossum (ed.), Interventies en hun consequenties. Proceedings van de negende NOBO-onderzoeksdag, 17 november 1999, 117-144. Uitgeverij Universiteit Twente 1999.
(44) The Diabolical Dialectics of Societal Effects, in: M. Maurice and A. Sorge (eds.), Embedding Organizations. Societal Analysis of Actors, Organizations and Socio Economic Context, chapter 3, 37-56. Amsterdam: Benjamins 2000.
(45) ‘General Introduction’ (p.1-6) and ‘Conclusions’ (p.389-399), in: M. Maurice and A. Sorge (eds.), Embedding Organizations. Societal Analysis of Actors, Organizations and Socio-Economic Context. Amsterdam: Benjamins 2000.
(46) ‘German Corporatism: Dead or Alive? In R. Harding and W.E. Patterson (eds.), The Future of the German Economy, 101-121. Manchester/ New York: Manchester University Press (with R. Harding).
(47) ‘Headquarters-Subsidiary Relationships in Multinational Companies: A British-German Comparison’. In: M. Geppert, D. Matten and K. Williams (eds.), Challenges for European Management in a Global Context. Experiences from Britain and Germany, 96-118. Houndsmill, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2002 (with A.-W. Harzing and J. Paauwe).
(48) ‘Kulturvergleichende Organisationsforschung’. In: G. Schreyögg and A. von Werder (eds.), Handwörterbuch der Unternehmensführung und Organisation, 716-724. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel 2004, 4th completely revised edition.
(49) ‘Systemic Perspectives on Business Practices and Institutions. A Plea beyond Comparative Statics’. In: G. Morgan, R. Whitley and E. Moen (eds.), Changing Capitalisms? Internationalization, Institutional Change, and Systems of Economic Organization, 110-136. Oxford University Press 2005.
(50) ‘Les relations entre l’apprentissage des connaissances et les systèmes de formation en Europe’. In: B. Hamori, Czeglédi, L. Jankovics and B. Sági (eds.), Paradigm Shift – Information, Knowledge and Innovation in the New Economy. Conference Proceedings, 91-114. Debrecen: University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 2005.
(51) Boogers-van Griethuijsen, Ben J.M. Emans, Janka I. Stoker, Astrid, Arndt M. Sorge, „Twelf Foundations for the Power Position of Consultants”, in: Eran Vigoda-Gadot, Amos Drory (eds.), Handbook of Organizational Politics, Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar 2006, 313-327.
52) Mitbestimmung für die Europäische Aktiengesellschaft: Nützliche Lehren aus mehr als dreißig Jahren Seifenopern: Jens Beckert, Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Anke Hassel, Philip Manow (eds.). Transformationen des Kapitalismus. Festschrift für Wolfgang Streeck zum sechzigsten Geburtstag. Frankfurt/M. Campus, 2006, 249-271.
Also: Discussion Paper SP III 2006-204, Berlin : WZB, 2006, 24.
(53) Was ist von einer produktiven Wissensgesellschaft durch nachhaltige Innovation und Berufsbildung zu erwarten? in: Kocka, Jürgen (Hg.) : Zukunftsfähigkeit Deutschlands. Sozialwissenschaftliche Essays, WZB-Jahrbuch 2006, Berlin: edition sigma 2007, 229-249
(ebenfalls erschienen in: Kocka, Jürgen (Hg.) : Zukunftsfähigkeit Deutschlands. Sozialwissenschaftliche Essays, Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung 2008, Schriftenreihe Band 693, 229-249.
Internationale Lehren aus der Wirtschaftskrise, in: vorgänge, Zeitschrift für Bürgerrechte und Gesellschaftspolitik, 48. Jg., H. 2, 2009 (June), 38-45.
(55) Internationalisierung: Gestaltungschancen statt Globalisierungsschicksal, in: Sorge, Arndt (Hg.) : Internationalisierung: Gestaltungschancen statt Globalisierungsschicksal, Berlin: edition sigma 2009, 9-26 (mit Maryse Brand und Gerda Gemser).
(56) Internationalisierung beginnt zu Hause und kann im Ausland enden, in: Sorge, Arndt (Hg.) : Internationalisierung: Gestaltungschancen statt Globalisierungsschicksal, Berlin: edition sigma 2009, 199-220.
Other articles
(1) Modelle industrieller Demokratie in der EG. Manager-Magazin 6/1975, 62-65 (with K.Nagels).
(2) Germany's Frontline Force. Management Today , March 1978, 86-89 (with M. Fores and P. Lawrence).
(3) Why Germany Produces Better. Management Today, November 1978, 86-89 (with M.Fores and P. Lawrence).
(4) Fertigung ist ein schmutziges Geschäft. Manager-Magazin 4/1979, 86-99 (with M. Fores and P. Lawrence).
(5) Neue Technik: Wohin steuert die Berufsbildung? Berufsbildung, Informationsbulletin des Europäischen Zentrums für die Förderung der Berufsbildung, no. 5, May 1981, 5-7.
(6) Auswirkungen sind gestaltbar. Die Industrie, 36/4, September 1981, 22-23 (with G.Hartmann).
(7) Betriebsorganisation, Mikroelektronik verändert Organisationsstrukturen. VDI-Nachrichten, vol. 36 no. 21, 21 May 1982, 38 (with G. Hartmann).
(8) New Technology and Craftsmen's Skills in Great Britain and West Germany. Employee Relations vol. 4 no. 5, 1982, 21-23.
(9) Polarisierung der Qualifikationsstrukturen in der Zukunft? Berufsbildung, Informationsbulletin des Europäischen Zentrums für die Förderung der Berufsbildung, no. 11, 1983, 25-29 (with G. Hartmann, M. Warner, I. Nicholas).
(10) Dressur des Automaten. Organisatorische Problematik der Werkstattprogrammierung. Wirtschaft & Produktivität no. 11, 1983, 4 (with G. Hartmann).
(11) Notes on the Seminar Discussion, in: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (ed.), Microelectronics and Informatics Technology and their Training Implications in Firms. Luxemburg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 1984, 109-119 (also in other languages of the EC).
(12) Auf dem Wege zur "automatisierten Fabrik"? Der Bürger im Staat vol. 35 no. 2, June 1985, 86-89. Reprinted in: H.G. Wehling (ed.), Die technologische Revolution und ihre Folgen, 69-79. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 1985.
(13) Het personeelsbelijd. Reliëf, Nieuwsbulletin Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen vol. 3 no. 3, 1991, 4-5.
(14) Inside Story: Decision-Making Inside a CNRS Commission. Organization Studies vol. 13 no. 3, 1992, 453-459. Reprinted in: Sociologie du Travail no. 3, 1993, 351-356 (La Prise de Décision dans une Commission CNRS: Une Vue de l´Intérieur).
(15) The Reform of Technical Education and Training in Great Britain. A Comparison of Institutional Learning in Europe. Vocational Training - European Journal no. 3, 1994, 58-68 (also available in 9 other languages of the European Community).
(16) Een koffer in Maastricht. In: Elpenbeen & Mergelsteen. Twintig Jaar Universiteit in Maastricht, 65-69. Maastricht: Rijksuniversiteit Limburg 1996.
(17) Breitenwirkung. Mitbestimmung no. 6, 1998, 47-50.
(18) Everything you always wanted to know about ‘Quality’ but were afraid to ask. Vocational Training - European Journal, 1999, 1-3 (also in the French, German and Spanish editions of the journal).
(19) La continuité de la formation supérieure non-universitaire en Allemagne et aux Pays-Bas. In: Les premières formations supérieures dans les universités. Réponse européénne. Colloque inaugural de l’antenne de Bretagne de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan. Bruz: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan 1999.
(20) Heinz Hartmann zum Anlass seines 70. Geburtstages (12.2.2000). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie vol. 52 no.2, 2000, 393-395.
(21) Vereniging, verscheidenheid en verzadiging bij de oosterburen. De Academische Boekengids no. 30, december 2001, 4-6.
Book reviews
(1) David Brown and Michael J. Harrison Sociology of Industrialisation, London 1979: Macmillan, in: Organization Studies 1/3, 1980, 288-289.
(2) Alan Peacock, Rob Grant, Martin Ricketts, G.K. Shaw, Elaine Wagner Structural Economic Policies in West Germany and the United Kingdom, London 1980: Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, in: Journal of General Management 6/3, 1981.
(3) Geert Hofstede Culture's Consequences, Beverly Hills/New York 1980: Sage, in: Administrative Science Quarterly 28/4, 1983, 628-629.
(4) Vom wissenschaftlichen Dauerbrenner zum gesellschaftlichen Mythos: Mikroelektronik (review article on seven books, in: Soziologische Revue, special issue 1, 1984, 105-113.
(5) Marc Maurice, François Sellier, Jean-Jacques Silvestre Politique d'éducation et organisation industrielle en France et en Allemagne. Essai d'a-nalyse sociétale, Paris 1982: Presses Universitaires de France, in: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 36/1, 186-188, 1984.
(6) Roger Bennett Management Research: Guide for Institutions and Professionals. Genf: ILO, Management Development Series no. 20, 1983, in: Journal of General Management 10/1, 91-92, 1984.
(7) Nigel Piercy The Management of New Information Technology. London & Sydney: Croom Helm;New
York: Nichols, 1984, in: Journal of General Management, 10/3, 89-90, 1985.
(8) Stephen T. Parkinson New Product Development in Engineering. A Comparison of the British and West Ger-
man Machine Tool industries, Cambridge University Press 1984, in: Journal of General
Management 10/4, 105-106, 1985.
(9) Peter Lawrence Management in Action, London 1984: Routledge & Kegan Paul, in: Organization Studies 6/3, 1985, 303-304.
(10) Horst Kern and Michael Schumann Das Ende der Arbeitsteilung? München 1984: C.H. Beck, in: Economic and Industrial Democracy 6/4, 1985, 501-503.
(11) Philippe Bernoux La sociologie des organisations. Paris 1985: Editions du Seuil, in: Organization Studies 8/1, 1987, 93-94.
(12) E. Seppelfeld, E. Rost-Schaude and G. Klatt Neue Technologien und Berufsbildung. Qualifizierungsmassnahmen in der BRD. Frankfurt: Campus 1986, in: Spektrum der Wissenschaft no. 3, 1988, 124-125.
(13) J. Bergmann, H. Hirsch-Kreinsen, R. Springer, H. Wolf Rationalisierung, Technisierung und Kontrolle des Arbeitsprozesses. Die Einführung der CNC-Technologie in Betrieben des Maschinenbaus. Frankfurt: Campus 1986, in: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie no. 1, 1988, 178-179.
(14) D. Simpson, J. Love, J. Walker The Challenge of New Technology. Brighton (UK) and Boulder, Colo.: Wheat-sheaf/Westview, in: New Technology, Work and Employment 3/2, 1988, 154.
(15) R. Stockmann Gesellschaftliche Modernisierung und Betriebsstruktur. Die Entwicklung von Arbeitsstätten in Deutschland 1875-1980. Frankfurt: Campus 1987, in: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie no. 4, 1988, 799-801.
(16) Michael Poole Industrial Relations: Origins and Patterns of National Diversity. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul 1986, in: Organization Studies 9/4, 1988, 599-600.
(17) Keith Hayward International Collaboration in Civil Aerospace. London: Frances Pinter 1986, in : Journal of General Management 15/1, 1989, 101-103.
(18) Christel Lane Management and Labour in Europe. The Industrial Enterprise in Germany, Britain and France. Aldershot: Edward Elgar 1989, in: Organization Studies 11/3, 1990, 451-454.
(19) Peter Lawrence Management in the Netherlands. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1991, in: Management Revue 3/3, 1992, 257-261.
(20) Lothar Lappe Berufsperspektiven junger Facharbeiter. Eine qualitative Längsschnittanalyse zum Kernbereich westdeutscher Industriearbeit. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus 1993, in: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie no. 1, 1994, 165-167.
(21) Martin Beirne and Harvey Ramsay (eds.) Information Technology and Workplace Democracy. London/ New York: Routledge 1992, in: Economic and Social Democracy 15/2, 1994, 293-295.
(22) Rudi Schmidt (ed.) Zwischenbilanz. Analysen zum Transformationsprozeß der ostdeutschen Industrie. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag 1993, in: Soziologische Revue vol. 18, no. 2, 1995, 219-222.
(23) Colin Crouch Industrial Relations and European State Traditions. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1993, in: management revue vol. 6, no. 2, 1995, 11-115.
(24) Erwin C. Hargrove Prisoners of Myth. The Leadership of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 1933-1990. Princeton University Press 1994, in: Organization Studies vol. 17, no. 3, 1996, 549-
(25) ‘Veränderungen von Arbeit, Beruf und Wirtschaft in Ostdeutschland’. Collective review of 9 books, in: Soziologische Revue vol. 19, no. 4, 1996, 550-555 (with M. Geppert and K. Lohr).
(26) Walter Müller-Jentsch, Hans-Joachim Sperling and Irmgard Weyrather Neue Technologien in der Verhandlungsarena. Schweden, Großbritannien und Deutschland im Vergleich. München and Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag 1997. In: WSI Mitteilungen vol. 52, no. 7, 1999, 485-487.
(27) Derek S. Pugh (ed.) The Aston Programme, vols. I-III. The Aston Study and Its Developments. Aldershot: Ashgate/Dartmouth 1998. In: Organization Studies vol. 22, no. 4, 2001, 717-724.
(28) Peter Clark: Organizations in Action. Competition between Contexts. London/ New York: Routledge 2000. In: Organization Studies vol. 23, no. 1, 2002, 153-156.
(29) Nico Stehr: Wissen und Wirtschaften. Die gesellschaftlichen Grundlagen der modernen Ökonomie. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp 2001. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie vol. 54, no. 2, 2002, 381-383.
Discussion papers
(1) Management, Technical Education and Training as a Public Concern in Britain, France, and Germany, IIM/LMP discussion paper 78-33.
(2) The Societal and Organizational Context of Industrial Relations: A Comparison of Great Britain and West Germany, IIM/LMP discussion paper 78-53 (with M. Warner).
(3) The Rational Fallacy, IIM/LMP discussion paper 78-84 (with M. Fores).
(4) Manpower Training, Manufacturing Organization and Work Roles in Great Britain and West Germany, IIM/LMP discussion paper 78-96 (with M. Warner).
(5) Technical Change, Manufacturing Organization and Labour Markets. Effects and Options of Microelectronics, IIM/LMP discussion paper 79-15.
(6) Culture and Organisation, IIM/LMP discussion paper 78-29.
(7) The Fifth Discontinuity, IIM/LMP discussion paper 79-84 (with M. Fores).
(8) The Decline of the Management Ethic, IIM/LMP discussion paper 79-75 (with M. Fores).
(9) Societal Differences in Organising Manufacturing Units: A Comparison of France, West Germany, and Great Britain, IIM/LMP discussion paper 80-3 (with M. Maurice and M.Warner).
(10) Technology and Labour Markets, IIM/LMP discussion paper 80-39 (with G. Hartmann).
(11) Cultured Organisation, IIM/LMP discussion paper 80-9.
(12) Qualitative Veränderung der Arbeit durch neue Informationstechnik, IIM/LMP discussion paper 80-3 (with A. Dirrheimer und G. Hartmann).
(13) Microelectronics and Manpower in Manufacturing: Applications of Computer Numerical Control in Great Britain and West Germany, IIM/LMP discussion paper 81-16 (with G. Hartmann, I. Nicholas und M. Warner).
(14) Microelectronics and Vocational Education and Training: Analysis of Responses to the "Questionaire on Vocational Training Provision and Microelectronic Technology", issued by Gen. Dir. V/B/2, document no. V/764/80 EN, IIM/LMP discussion paper 81-14.
(15) Die Erzeugung und Nutzung beruflicher Bildung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien, IIM/LMP discussion paper 82-18.
(16) Culture's Consequences for Management and Organization, IIM/LMP discussion paper 83-29.
(17) Institutionelle Bedingungen und strategische Orientierungen des Einsatzes neuer Techniken, IIM/LMP discussion paper 86-10, Berlin: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung.
(18) Industrial Relations and Technical Change: The Case for an Extended Perspective. IIM/LMP discussion paper 87-1, Berlin: Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung 1987 (with Wolfgang Streeck).
(19) Microelectronic Product Applications in Great Britain and West Germany: Product Strategies, Competence Requirements, Training and Personnel Policies. Brussels: FAST Occasional Papers No. 208, 1987 (with A. Campbell, W. Beuschel, Gensior and M. Warner).
(20) Microelectronics Applications, Product Strategies and Competence Requirements: Sectoral Strengths and Manpower Implications in Great Britain and West Germany. Cambridge University Engineering Department: Management Studies Research Paper 15/88, 1988 (with Adrian Campbell and Malcolm Warner).
(21) Dynamique Industrielle et Capacité d'Innovation de l'Industrie de la Machine-Outil en France et en RFA. Analyse Sociétale des Rapports entre "Espace de Qualification" et "Espace Industriel". Aix-en-Provence: Laboratoire d'Economie et de Sociologie du Travail, Document LEST 89-1, 1989 (with Marc Maurice).
(22) Sectoral Employment Structure, Company Strategy and Human Resources. Interpreting Cross-National Comparisons of Industrial Microelectronics Applications, in: E. Matzner (ed.), No Way To Full Employment? Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin: Discussion Paper FS I 89-16, 1990, 140-170.
(23) Industrielle Entwicklung und Innovationsfähigkeit der Werkzeugmaschinenhersteller in Frankreich und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Gesellschaftliche Analyse der Beziehungen zwischen Qualifikation und Wirtschaftsstruktur. Discussion paper FS I 90-11, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Berlin (with M. Maurice).
(24) Modes of Usage and Diffusion of New Technologies and New Knowledge. A Synthesis Report. Brussels: Commission of the European Communities, MONITOR-FAST Programme Internal Paper XII-340-91, 1991 (with P. Cohendet, F. Desmartin and P. Llerena).
(24) International Organizational Observatory. Descriptive Report: The Netherlands. Maastricht 1993: University of Limburg, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Organization Studies (with M. Heijltjes and A. van Witteloostuijn).
(25) Organizing Societal Space in Globalization. Bringing Society Back In. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies working paper.…
(26) Mitbestimmung für die Europäische Aktiengesellschaft: Nützliche Lehren aus mehr als dreißig Jahren Seifenoper. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, SP III 2006-204, Berlin, 2006, 24.