Carla Hornberg

Carla Hornberg
Martina Sander


carla.hornberg [at]
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
D 227
Research Fellow of the Research Department


Since 06/2019        Research fellow at the Skill Formation and Labor Markets Research Department of the WZB within the scope of the Horizon 2020 Project TECHNEQUALITY

10/2018 – 04/2019    Intern at the Office of the former German President Horst Köhler in assistance to the Sector Project Agenda 2030 of the GIZ (Berlin)

01/2016 – 09/2018     Student assistant at the Climate Policy Department of the DIW Berlin

10/2015 – 09/2018    M.A. Sociology – European Societies at the FU Berlin; Thesis title: “Mincome revisited: A causal analysis of work responses to Canada’s first large-scale guaranteed annual income experiment”

01/2017 – 04/2017     M.A. Exchange to the University of British Columbia (Vancouver Campus)

10/2012 – 09/2015    B.A. Sociology (major) and Communication Science (minor) at the LMU Munich

Selected Publications

Heisig, Jan Paul/Hornberg, Carla/Solga, Heike (2024): "Strengthening the Labour Force Participation of Low-qualified Individuals in Europe". In: European View, 19.04.2024, S. 1-7.
Hornberg, Carla (2024): Improving the Labour Market Integration and Well-Being of Young Adults in Times of Crisis. MapIneq Policy Brief 2. Turku: INVEST Research Flagship Centre at University of Turku.
Hornberg, Carla/Heisig, Jan Paul/Solga, Heike (2024): "Explaining the Training Disadvantage of Less-educated Workers. The Role of Labor Market Allocation in International Comparison". In: Socio-Economic Review, Vol. 22, No. 1, S. 195-222. (vorab online publiziert 29.04.2023)
Hornberg, Carla/Heisig, Jan Paul/Solga, Heike (2024): Decomposition of Between and Within-Country (Regional) Differences in the Labour Market Attainment of Young Adults. Mapineq deliverables D4.1. Turku: INVEST Research Flagship Centre at University of Turku.
Minardi, Saverio/Hornberg, Carla/Barbieri, Paolo/Solga, Heike (2023): "The Link between Computer Use and Job Satisfaction. The Mediating Role of Job Tasks and Task Discretion". In: British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 61, No. 4, S. 796-831. (vorab online publiziert 11.03.2023)
Hornberg, Carla/Dos Santos, Sascha/Ehlert, Martin/Solga, Heike (2022): Training for the Future. How to Increase Participation Among Vulnerable Workers. Technequality Policy Brief 3. Maastricht: Technequality Consortium.
Hornberg, Carla/Suckow, Silvio (2022): "'Wir brauchen Bewegung, auch nach #IchBin Hanna'. Bedingungen und Optionen im Wissenschaftssystem". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 3=Nr. 177, S. 22-25.
Hornberg, Carla/Heisig, Jan Paul/Solga, Heike (2021): "Fit für die digitale Arbeitswelt. Weiterbildung gering Qualifizierter scheitert an Strukturen am Arbeitsplatz". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 171, S. 44-47.
Minardi, Saverio/Hornberg, Carla/Barbieri, Paolo/Solga, Heike (2021): Skills at Work in Liberal and Coordinated Market Economies. A Tasks-Level Assessment of Job Discretion and Satisfaction. LIW Working Paper Series 2/2021. Trento: Laboratorio 'Lavoro, Impresa e Welfare nel XXI secolo' dell'Università di Trento - LIW.
Dos Santos, Sascha/Ehlert, Martin/Hornberg, Carla/Scholl, Felix/Solga, Heike (2020): "Zu wenig Zeit, zu wenig Platz. In der Krise viele Hindernisse für Weiterbildung". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 168, S. 63-65.
Ehlert, Martin/Hornberg, Carla/Scholl, Felix (2020): "Weiterbildung in der Krise? Herausforderungen und Chancen für das lebenslange Lernen durch COVID-19". In: Corona und die gesellschaftlichen Folgen - Schlaglichter aus der WZB-Forschung, 22.04.2020.