Christoph Ivanusch
Visiting Researcher of the
Christoph Ivanusch is a guest at the Center for Civil Society Research at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) and researcher at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. Previously, he was a research fellow in the Manifesto Research Project on Political Representation (MARPOR) and was part of the H2020 project “OPTED Observatory for Political Texts in European Democracies” at the WZB. Furthermore, he is a doctoral student in Political Science at the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. His research interests include political communication, party competition, political systems and quantitative text analysis.
Selected Publications
Ivanusch, Christoph (2024): "Nationalratswahl 2024. Wofür stehen die Parteien, und was ist ihnen wichtig?". In: - Blog, 23.09.2024.
Ivanusch, Christoph/Balluff, Paul (2024): "Welche politischen Messages schaffen es eigentlich in die Medien?". In: - Blog, 15.08.2024.
Ivanusch, Christoph (2025): "Where Do Parties Talk about What? Party Issue Salience across Communication Channels". In: West European Politics, Vol. 48, No. 3, S. 618-644. (vorab online publiziert 14.03.2024)
Ivanusch, Christoph/Zehnter, Lisa/Burst, Tobias (2023): "Communicating in an Eventful Campaign. A Case Study of Party Press Releases during the German Federal Election Campaign 2021". In: Electoral Studies, Vol. 86, Article 102703, Special Section "The Federal Election 2021 in Context. Germany at the Crossroads?", edited by Kathrin Ackermann/Martin Elff/Heiko Giebler. (The accepted manuscript for download:
Ivanusch, Christoph (2023): Feasibility Report. Evaluation of a Research Infrastructure for the Analysis of Texts from Political Organizations. OPTED Deliverable D4.7. Vienna: Observatory for Political Texts in European Democracies.
Ivanusch, Christoph/Lehmann, Pola/Balluff, Paul/Scotto di Vettimo, Michele (2023): Integrating Political Organizations into the OPTED Platform. OPTED Deliverable D4.4. Vienna: Observatory for Political Texts in European Democracies.
Ivanusch, Christoph (2024): "Issue Competition in Parliamentary Speeches? A Computer-based Content Analysis of Legislative Debates in the Austrian Nationalrat". In: Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol. 49, No. 1, S. 203-221. (vorab online publiziert 15.03.2023)
Ivanusch, Christoph/Burst, Tobias/Zehnter, Lisa (2022): Challenges and Opportunities for the Comparative Study of Political Text Types. Testing Computer-based Topic Classification Approaches across Political Party Texts. OPTED Deliverable, D4.5. Vienna: Observatory for Political Texts in European Democracies.
Ivanusch, Christoph (2021): Making Political Party and Interest Group Texts Accessible and Usable. OPTED Deliverable, D4.3. Vienna: Observatory for Political Texts in European Democracies.
Greene, Zachary/Ivanusch, Christoph/Lehmann, Pola/Schober, Thomas (2021): A Repository of Political Party and Interest Group Texts. Vienna: OPTED Project-Coordaniation at the University Vienna.
Burst, Tobias/Ivanusch, Christoph/Lehmann, Pola/Regel, Sven/Zehnter, Lisa (2021): "Rot-Grün-Rot passt am besten zusammen". In: ZEIT online, 19.09.2021.
Hanel, Juliane/Ivanusch, Christoph (2021): "Das Wahlprogramm der Grünen zur Bundestagswahl 2021. Auf der Suche nach der goldenen Mitte". In: WZB Democracy Blog, 30.08.2021.