Christophe Majastre
An F.R.S.-FNRS Research Fellow, Christophe Majastre was a guest of the unit Global Governance from mid-April until end of May 2015. He holds MA degrees in Political Science and European Studies from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, and his main research interests are the political sociology of European integration, as well as the sociology of law and intellectuals. He is currently completing his PhD on critics of European integration among German legal academia and on the role of legal discourse in shaping public debates over the European Union, at the Centre de Recherches en Science Politique (CReSPo) of the Université Saint-Louis–Bruxelles. During his stay at the WZB, he collaborated with the unit’s researchers and discussed his current research on ‘The Role of Legal Discourse in Public Contestations of the European Union in Germany’.