James Laurence, Ph.D.
Former Visiting Researcher of the Research Department
Research fields
Drivers of Heterogeneity in the Impact of Ethnic Diversity on Social Cohesion: the Roles of Temporality, Trait- and Value-Constellations and Segregation across Germany and Great Britain
James Laurence is a Research Fellow at the Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research, University of Manchester, UK. He holds an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation fellowship, based in the Research Unit Migration, Integration and Transnationalization. During his fellowship, he will be investigating how social cohesion is responding to changing patterns of ethnic diversity and immigration in Germany and the UK, and the growing risks of polarisation across societies. In particular, he will be exploring what elements of people’s lives and their social worlds can help us understand how ethnic diversity may exert different effects on social cohesion, amongst different people, in different places, at different times in their lives.