Dr. Lennart Schürmann

Lennart Schürmann Porträt
Martina Sander


lennart.schuermann [at] wzb.eu
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
Research Fellow Freie Universität Berlin of the

Lennart Schürmann is a research fellow at the Center for Civil Society Research and is involved in the WZB Protest Monitoring, a research project on protest and political radicalization in Germany. He received his Ph.D. in 2023 from the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics at the University of Cologne. His dissertation examines political representation with a special focus on the representation of protest. His other research interests are in the areas of political participation, European politics, and computational social science.

For more information on Lennart Schürmann's research projects, publications, and an up-to-date CV, please visit his personal website.

Selected Publications

Schürmann, Lennart/Schwalbach, Jan/Himmelrath, Noam (2024): "Location Matters! Geospatial Dynamics of MP Responses to Covid-19 Protests in Multilevel Systems". In: European Journal of Political Research, advance access, 25.06.2024, online: https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1475-6765.12704.
Castanho Silva, Bruno/Schürmann, Lennart/Proksch, Sven-Oliver (2024): "Modulation of Democracy. Partisan Communication During and After Election Campaigns". In: British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 54, No. 2, S. 339-354. (vorab online publiziert 10.07.2023)
Schürmann, Lennart (2024): "The Impact of Local Protests on Political Elite Communication. Evidence from Fridays for Future in Germany". In: Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, Vol. 34, No. 3, S. 510-530. (vorab online publiziert 04.04.2023)
Schürmann, Lennart (2023): "Do Competitive Districts Get more Political Attention? Strategic Use of Geographic Representation during Campaign and Non-Campaign Periods". In: Electoral Studies, Vol. 81, Article 102575.
Schürmann, Lennart/Stier, Sebastian (2023): "Who Represents the Constituency? Online Political Communication by Members of Parliament in the German Mixed-Member Electoral System". In: Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol. 48, No. 1, S. 219-234.