Prof. Dr. Mattias Kumm, S.J.D. (Harvard)

Photo Mattias Kumm
David Ausserhofer


+49 30 25491 542
mattias.kumm [at]
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
E 106

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David Ausserhofer
Research Professor

Research fields

Global Constitutionalism | Democracy | Human Rights | Rule of Law | Legal Structure of Markets


Since 08 2010 Research Professor “Global Constitutionalism" at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center and Professor "Rule of Law in the Age of Globalization” at Humboldt University Berlin.

01 2012 to 12 2021 Managing Head of the Center for Global Constitutionalism.

Since 06 2000 Professor at the New York University School of Law (since 2010 only in the Fall Semester): European Law, International Law, Comparative Constitutional Law and Legal Philosophy Appointments: 2000 Assistant Professor of Law 2003 Associate Professor of Law 2006 Professor of Law (Tenure) 2011 Inge Rennert Professor of Law Other Appointments: 2001-2005: Director of the J.S.D.-Program 2004 - 2010: Director of the LL.M.- J.S.D. Program in International and Comparative Law

2000 Appointments: Cornell Law School, Pennsylvania Law School, Texas Law School, und NYU School of Law

Since 2000 Visiting Professorships, Lectureships, etc.

Yale Law School, Florence Rogatz Visiting Professor of Law (Fall 2014) European University Institute (Fall 2012) Harvard Law School, Visiting Professor of Law and John Harvey Gregory Lecturer on World Organization (Fall 2009) National University of Singapore (Summer 2007/2008) Bucerius Law School, Commerzbank Visiting Professor of Law (Fall 2003) University of Navarra (2006/2007/2008) Central European University (2007) Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy - Tufts University (1999/2000)

1997 - 2000 Harvard Law School, S.J.D. Program Title of the dissertation: “Policing the Leviathan: Constitutional Democracy, National Courts and the Enforcement of Supranational Law”. Emile Noelle Fellow (1998), Ethics Fellow (Kennedy School of Government 1999/2000), several scholarships and awards

1994/95 and 1996/97 Legal Clerkship in Kiel & Hamburg & 2nd Bar Exam

1995/1996 Harvard Law School, LL.M. Program; New York Bar Exam

Selected Publications

Choudhry, Sujit/Heilbronner, Michaela/Kumm, Mattias (Eds.) (2024): Global Canons in an Age of Contestation. Debating Foundational Texts of Constitutional Democracy and Human Rights. Oxford: Oxford University Press, xv, 610 S.
Kumm, Mattias (2024): "The Rule of Law in the Liberal Script. Central Commitments, Variations, and Contestations". In: Tanja A. Börze/Johannes Gerschewski/Michael Zürn (Eds.): The Liberal Script at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Conceptions, Components, and Tensions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, S. 194-214.
Kumm, Mattias (2024): "'Making the World Safe for Democracy'. Einige Beobachtungen zum Verhältnis von Internationaler Rechtsordnung, Demokratie und globaler Sicherheit". In: Julian Nida-Rümelin/Timo Greger/Andreas Oldenbourg (Hg.): Normative Konstituenzien der Demokratie. Berlin: De Gruyter, S. 359-380.
Kumm, Mattias (2024): Academic Freedom in Liberal Constitutional Democracies. Justifications, Limits, Tensions, and Contestations. SCRIPTS Working Paper 42. Berlin: Cluster of Excellence 2055 Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS).
Kumm, Mattias (2023): "Un-European Constitutional Identity Claims. On the Relationship between Constituent Power, Constitutional Identity and Its Implications for Interpreting Art. 4, Sect. 2, TEU". In: Kriszta Kovács (Ed.): The Jurisprudence of Particularism. National Identity Claims in Central Europe. Oxford: Hart Publishing, S. 173-186.
Kumm, Mattias (2022): "Global Constitutionalism. History, Theory and Contemporary Challenges". In: Revista direito e praxis, Vol. 13, No. 4, S. 2732-2773.
Kumm, Mattias (2022): "Global Constitutionalism, Human Rights and Proportionality. Institutionalizing Socratic Contestation". In: Journal of Constitutional Justice, Vol. 9, No. 2, S. 245-285. (in koreanischer Sprache)
Kumm, Mattias (2022): "Global Constitutionalism, Human Rights and Proportionality. Institutionalizing Socratic Contestation". In: Journal of Constitutional Justice, Vol. 9, No. 2, S. 193-244.
Kumm, Mattias (2022): "Der Ukrainekrieg und die Zukunft der internationalen Rechtsordnung". In: Julian Nida-Rümelin/Mattias Kumm/Erich Vad/Albrecht von Müller/Werner Weidenfeld/Antje Vollmer (Hg.): Perspektiven nach dem Ukrainekrieg. Europa auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Friedensordnung?. Freiburg/Basel/Wien: Verlag Herder, S. 33-61.
Nida-Rümelin, Julian/Kumm, Mattias/Vad, Erich/Müller, Albrecht von/Weidenfeld, Werner/Vollmer, Antje (Hg.) (2022): Perspektiven nach dem Ukrainekrieg. Europa auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Friedensordnung?. Freiburg/Basel/Wien: Herder, 144 S.
Kumm, Mattias (2020): "Arbeit am Exit als Staatspflicht. Regierungen müssen ihre Bürger vor dem Verlust der Freiheit schützen". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 168, S. 14-16.
Kumm, Mattias (2020): ""We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident”. Constitutionalism, Public Reason, and Legitimate Authority". In: Silje Langvatn/Mattias Kumm/Wojciech Sadurski (Eds.): Public Reason and Courts. Studies on International Courts and Tribunals Series. Cambridge et al.: Cambridge University Press, S. 143-163.
Kumm, Mattias (2020): "Gegen obrigkeitsstaatliche Tendenzen in der Krise. Massive Freiheitseingriffe und deren grundrechtliche Rechtfertigung". In: Verfassungsblog - On Matters Constitutional, 20.04.2020.
Langvatn, Silje/Kumm, Mattias/Sadurski, Wojciech (Eds.) (2020): Public Reason and Courts. Studies on International Courts and Tribunals Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, XXVII, 367 S.
Kumm, Mattias (2019): "On the Representativeness of Constitutional Courts. How to Strengthen the Legitimacy of Rights Adjudicating Courts without Undermining Their Independence". In: Christine Landfried (Ed.): Judicial Power. How Constitutional Courts Affect Political Transformations. Cambridge u.a.: Cambridge University Press, S. 281-291.
Kumm, Mattias (2019): "Zur Geschichte und Theorie des Globalen Konstitutionalismus. Gegenwärtige Herausforderungen des Globalen Konstitutionalismus". In: Julian Nida-Rümelin/Detlef von Daniels/Nicole Wloka/Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Hg.): Internationale Gerechtigkeit und institutionelle Verantwortung. Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppen, Forschungsberichte, Bd. 41. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, S. 105-138.
Kumm, Mattias/Bastarreche Bengoa, Tomás (2019): "Las causas de la crisis financiera y del resentimiento ciudadano en Europa. Qué tiene el derecho que ver en ello". In: José Luis García Guerrero/Mará Luz Martínez Alarcón (Eds.): Constitucionalizando la globalización. Vol. 2. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, S. 1671-1692.
Solozábal Echavarría, Juan José/Kumm, Mattias /López Garrido, Diego/García Guerrero, José Luis (2019): "Debate. Puede la ue solventar estos problemas de la globalización reformandos sus instituciones o precisa transformarse en un estado ferdeal?". In: José Luis García Guerrero/Mará Luz Martínez Alarcón (Eds.): Constitucionalizando la globalización. Vol. 2. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, S. 1605-1647.
Wiener, Antje/Dunoff, Jeffrey L./Havercroft, Jonathan /Kumm, Mattias/Kovács, Kriszta (2019): "Global Constitutionalism as agora. Interdisciplinary encounters, cultural recognition and global diversity". In: Global Constitutionalism, Vol. 8, No. 1, S. 1-11.
Kovács, Kriszta/Kumm, Mattias/Steinbeis, Maximilian/Tóth, Gábor Attila (2018): "Introduction: Constitutional Resilience and the German Grundgesetz". In: Verfassungsblog - On Matters Constitutional, 06.12.2018. (Workshop on Constitutional Resilience, 13-14 November 2018, WZB Berlin Social Science Center)
Kumm, Mattias (2018): "The Turn to Justification. On the Structure and Domain of Human Rights Practice". In: Adam Etinson (Ed.): Human Rights. Moral or Political?. Oxford: Oxford University Press, S. 238-261.
Kumm, Mattias (2018): "The Rule of Law, Legitimate Authority and Constitutionalism". In: Christoph Bezemek/Michael Potacs/Alexander Somek (Eds.): Legal Positivism, Institutionalism and Globalisation. Vienna Lectures on Legal Philosophy, Vol. 1. Oxford: Hart Publishing, S. 113-125.
Kumm, Mattias (2018): "How Populist Authoritarian Nationalism Threatens Constitutionalism. Or: Constitutional Resilience Is a Key Issue of Our Time". In: Verfassungsblog - On Matters Constitutional, 06.12.2018.
Suami, Takao/Peters, Anne/Vanoverbeke, Dimitri/Kumm, Mattias (Eds.) (2018): Global Constitutionalism from European and East Asian Perspectives. Cambridge u.a.: Cambridge University Press.
Kumm, Mattias (2017): "Constitutional Courts and Legislatures. Institutional Terms of Engagement". In: Católica Law Review, No. 1, S. 55-66.
Kumm, Mattias (2017): "Causes of the Financial Crisis and Causes of Citizen Resentment in Europe. What Law Has to Do With It". In: Lina Papadopoulou/Ingolf Pernice/Joseph H.H. Weiler (Eds.): Legitimacy Issues of the European Union in the Face of Crisis. Dimitris Tsatos in memoriam. European Constitutional Law Network-Series, Vol. 9. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 129-148.
Kumm, Mattias/Havercroft, Jonathan/Dunoff, Jeffrey/Wiener, Antje (2017): "The End of ‘the West’ and the Future of Global Constitutionalism. Editorial". In: Global Constitutionalism, Vol. 6, No. 1, S. 1-11.
Shin, Yoon Jin/Kumm, Mattias (2017): "A tavasz alkotmányos pillanata". In: Szuverén - A liberális demokrácia oldalai, 29.03.2017.
Shin, Yoon Jin/Kumm, Mattias (2017): "Impeaching Remnants of the Authoritarian Past. A Constitutional Moment in South Korea". In: Verfassungsblog - On Matters Constitutional, 14.03.2017.
Kumm, Mattias (2016): "An Empire of Capital? Transatlantic Investment Protection as the Protection of Illegitimate Investor Privileges". In: WZB Report, Vol. 2016, S. 43-46.
Kumm, Mattias (2016): "Constituent Power, Cosmopolitan Constitutionalism, and Post-positivist Law". In: International Journal of Constitutional Law - I CON, Vol. 14, No. 3, S. 697-711.
Kumm, Mattias (2016): "Constituent Power, Boundaries and Identity. On the Justificatory Depth of Constitutionalism - A Rejoinder to Neil Walker". In: International Journal of Constitutional Law - I CON, Vol. 14, No. 4, S. 914–924.
Kumm, Mattias (2016): "Sovereignty and the Right to Be Left Alone. Subsidiarity, Justice-Sensitive Externalities, and the Proper Domain of the Consent Requirement in International Law". In: Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. 79, No. 2, S. 239-258.
Tully, James/Dunoff, Jeffrey L./Lang, Anthony F./Kumm, Mattias/Wiener, Antje (2016): "Introducing Global Integral Constitutionalism". In: Global Constitutionalism, Vol. 5, No. 1, S. 1-15.
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "25 Jahre nach Ende des Kalten Krieges. Der liberal-demokratische Verfassungsstaat zwischen autoritären Herausforderungen und neuen Kriegen". In: polar - Politik/Theorie/Alltag, H. 19, S. 25-32.
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "Ein Imperium des Kapitals? Der transatlantische Investitionsschutz als Schutz illegitimer Investorenprivilegien". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 148, S. 10-13.
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "An Empire of Capital? Transatlantic Investment Protection as the Institutionalization of Unjustified Privilege". In: ESIL Reflections, Vol. 4, No. 3, S. 1-8.
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "An Empire of Capital? Transatlantic Investment Protection as the Institutionalization of Unjustified Privilege". In: Verfassungsblog - On Matters Constitutional, 27.05.2015.
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "Taking 'The Dark Side' Seriously. Constitutionalism and the Question of Constitutional Progress - Or: Why It is Fitting to Have the 2016 ICON-S Conference in Berlin". In: International Journal of Constitutional Law - I CON, Vol. 13, No. 4, S. 777-784.
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "Ein Weltreich des Kapitals? Die Institutionalisierung ungerechtfertigter Investorenprivilegien in TTIP und CETA". In: Leviathan - Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, Jg. 43, H. 3, S. 464-475.
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "Democratic Governance of the Euro. Two Practical Suggestions". In: Maximilian Steinbeis/Alexandra Kemmerer/Christoph Möllers (Eds.): Krise und Konstitutionalisierung in Europa. Verfassungsblog I. Recht im Kontext, Vol. 3. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 49-53. (vorab online publiziert 23. Mai 2012:
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "Rettungsschirm für Grundrechte". In: Maximilian Steinbeis/Alexandra Kemmerer/Christoph Möllers (Hg.): Gebändigte Macht. Verfassung im europäischen Nationalstaat - Verfassungsblog II. Recht im Kontext, Bd. 4. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 205-208 (zuerst online publiziert 1. März 2012:…).
Kumm, Mattias/Steinbeis, Maximilian (2015): "'Eine parlamentarisch verantwortliche Regierung für Europa'. Interview mit Mattias Kumm". In: Maximilian Steinbeis/Alexandra Kemmerer/Christoph Möllers (Hg.): Krise und Konstitutionalisierung in Europa. Verfassungsblog I. Recht im Kontext, Bd. 3. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 193-198 (zuerst online publiziert 23. Januar 2013:…).
Kumm, Mattias (2014): "Welcher chinesische Traum? Vom Konstitutionalismus und seinen gefährlichen Alternativen". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 144, S. 10-12.
Kumm, Mattias (2014): "Rebel Without a Good Cause. Karlsruhe's Misguided Attempt to Draw the CJEU into a Game of 'Chicken' and What the CJEU Might Do about It". In: German Law Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, Special Issue "The OMT Decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court", S. 203-215.
Kumm, Mattias (2014): "Why Armstrong is Wrong and there IS in Fact a Legal Duty to Appoint Juncker". In: Verfassungsblog - On Matters Constitutional, 13.06.2014.
Kumm, Mattias/Lang, Anthony F./Tully, James/Wiener, Antje (2014): "Editorial. How Large Is the World of Global Constitutionalism?". In: Global Constitutionalism, Vol. 3, No. 1, S. 1-8.
Kumm, Mattias/Walen, Alec D. (2014): "Human Dignity and Proportionality. Deontic Pluralism in Balancing". In: Grant Huscroft/Bradley W. Miller/Grégoire Webber (Eds.): Proportionality and the Rule of Law. Rights, Justification, Reasoning. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, S. 67-89.
Kumm, Mattias (2013): "No to a Transfer Union, Yes to an Economic Justice Union". In: Franklin Allen/Elena Carletti/Joanna Gray (Eds.): Political, Fiscal and Banking Union in the Eurozone?. Philadelphia, PA: FIC Press, S. 103-106.
Kumm, Mattias (2013): "Kosmopolitischer Staat und konstitutionelle Autorität. Eine integrative Konzeption Öffentlichen Rechts". In: Der Staat - Zeitschrift für Staatslehre und Verfassungsgeschichte, deutsches und europäisches öffentliches Recht, Beiheft 21 "Verabschiedung und Wiederentdeckung des Staates im Spannungsfeld der Disziplinen", herausgegeben von Andreas Voßkuhle/Christian Bumke/Florian Meinel. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, S. 245-266.
Kumm, Mattias (2013): "The Cosmopolitan Turn in Constitutionalism. An Integrated Conception of Public Law". In: Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, Vol. 20, No. 2, S. 605-628.
Kumm, Mattias (2013): What Kind of a Constitutional Crisis is Europe in and What Should Be Done about It?. WZB Discussion Paper SP IV 2013-801. Berlin: WZB.
Merkel, Wolfgang/Kumm, Mattias/Zürn, Michael (2013): "Und wer hat das Sagen? Die Euro-Krise und die Demokratie - Wolfgang Merkel, Mattias Kumm und Michael Zürn im Gespräch". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 139, S. 25-28.
Kumm, Mattias (2012): "Representativeness and Independence of Courts". In: Adriana Silvia Dreyzin de Klor/Miguel Poiares Maduro/Antoine Vauchez (Eds.): Courts, Social Change and Judicial Independence. RSCAS Policy Paper, No. 2012/07. Florence: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute, S. 53-55.
Kumm, Mattias (2012): "Democratic Challenges Arising out of the Eurocrisis". In: European Parliament's Policy Department C "Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs" (Ed.): Challenges of Multi-tier Governance in the EU. Workshop, Thursday, 4th October 2012, PHS 3C50 - Outlines of the Presentations. Brussels: European Parliament, S. 33-35.
Kumm, Mattias (2012): "Constitutionalism and experimentalist governance". In: Regulation & Governance, Vol. 6, No. 3, S. 401-409.
Kumm, Mattias (2012): "Alexy's Theory of Constitutional Rights and the Problem of Judicial Review". In: Mathias Klatt (Ed.): Institutionalized Reason. The Jurisprudence of Robert Alexy. Oxford ; New York, NY: Oxford University Press, S. 201-217.
Kumm, Mattias (2012): "Rethinking Constitutional Authority. On the Structure and Limits of Constitutional Pluralism". In: Matej Avbelj/Jan Komárek (Eds.): Constitutional Pluralism in the European Union and Beyond. Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law, Vol. 14. Oxford/Portland, OR: Hart Publishing, S. 39-65.
Kumm,  Mattias (2012): "The Idea of Thick Constitutional Patriotism and Its Implications for the Role and Structure of European Legal History". In: Helle Porsdam/Thomas Elholm (Eds.): Dialogues on Justice. European Perspectives on Law and Humanities. Law & Literature, Vol. 3. Berlin/Boston, MA: Walter de Gruyter, S. 108-137.
Kumm,  Mattias (2012): "The Moral Point of Constitutional Pluralism. Defining the Domain of Legitimate Institutional Civil Disobedience and Conscientious Objection". In: Julie Dickson/Pavlos Eleftheriadis (Eds.): Philosophical Foundations of European Union Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, S. 216-246.
Kumm, Mattias (2011): "Comment: Contesting the Management of Difference. Transnational Human Rights, Religion and the European Court of Human Rights' Lautsi Decision". In: Kolja Raube/Anika Sattler (Eds.): Difference and Democracy. Exploring Potentials in Europe and Beyond. Frankfurt a.M./New York, NY: Campus, S. 245-259.
Kumm, Mattias (2011): "How Does European Union Law Fit into the World of Public Law? Costa, Kadi, and Three Models of Public Law". In: Jürgen Neyer/Antje Wiener (Eds.): Political Theory of the European Union. Oxford/New York, NY: Oxford University Press, S. 111-138.
Kumm,  Mattias (2011): "European Legality and Jurisdictional Justification. How the ECJ Should Determine the Legality of Legislation under Art. 114 TFEU". In: Flavia Carbonell/Agustín José Menéndez/John Erik Fossum (Eds.): Hope, Reluctance or Fear?. The Democratic Consequences of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice. Arena Report, No. 5/11. Oslo: Arena Centre for European Studies at the University of Oslo, S. 115-165.
Kumm, Mattias (2010): "Internationale Handelsgesellschaft, Nold and the New Human Rights Paradigm". In: Miguel Poiares Maduro/Loïc Azoulai (Eds.): The Past and Future of EU Law. The Classics of EU Law Revisited on the 50th Anniversary of the Rome Treaty. Oxford/Portland, OR: Hart Publishing, S. 106-118.
Kumm, Mattias (2010): "The Idea of Socratic Contestation and the Right to Justification. The Point of Rights-Based Proportionality Review". In: Law and Ethics of Human Rights, Vol. 4, No. 2, S. 141-175.

Kumm, Mattias (2009): "The Cosmopolitan Turn in Constitutionalism: On the Relationship Between Constitutionalism in and Beyond the State". In: Ruling the World? International Law, Global Governance, Constitutionalism, eds. J. L. Dunoff /J. P. Trachtman, Cambridge 2009, 258 – 326.


Constitutional Authority and Constitutional Conflict in Europe
(book project under contract with OUP)

Global Constitutionalism and its Enemies
On the legal structure of 21st century political conflicts (book project)

On the Theory and History of Human Rights (various articles)