Choudhry, Sujit/
Heilbronner, Michaela/
Kumm, Mattias (Eds.) (2024):
Global Canons in an Age of Contestation. Debating Foundational Texts of Constitutional Democracy and Human Rights. Oxford: Oxford University Press, xv, 610 S.
Kumm, Mattias (2024): "
The Rule of Law in the Liberal Script. Central Commitments, Variations, and Contestations". In: Tanja A. Börze/Johannes Gerschewski/Michael Zürn (Eds.): The Liberal Script at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Conceptions, Components, and Tensions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, S. 194-214.
Kumm, Mattias (2024): "
'Making the World Safe for Democracy'. Einige Beobachtungen zum Verhältnis von Internationaler Rechtsordnung, Demokratie und globaler Sicherheit". In: Julian Nida-Rümelin/Timo Greger/Andreas Oldenbourg (Hg.): Normative Konstituenzien der Demokratie. Berlin: De Gruyter, S. 359-380.
Kumm, Mattias (2023): "
Un-European Constitutional Identity Claims. On the Relationship between Constituent Power, Constitutional Identity and Its Implications for Interpreting Art. 4, Sect. 2, TEU". In: Kriszta Kovács (Ed.): The Jurisprudence of Particularism. National Identity Claims in Central Europe. Oxford: Hart Publishing, S. 173-186.
Kumm, Mattias (2022): "
Global Constitutionalism. History, Theory and Contemporary Challenges". In: Revista direito e praxis, Vol. 13, No. 4, S. 2732-2773.
Kumm, Mattias (2022): "Der Ukrainekrieg und die Zukunft der internationalen Rechtsordnung". In: Julian Nida-Rümelin/Mattias Kumm/Erich Vad/Albrecht von Müller/Werner Weidenfeld/Antje Vollmer (Hg.): Perspektiven nach dem Ukrainekrieg. Europa auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Friedensordnung?. Freiburg/Basel/Wien: Verlag Herder, S. 33-61.
Nida-Rümelin, Julian/Kumm, Mattias/Vad, Erich/Müller, Albrecht von/Weidenfeld, Werner/Vollmer, Antje (Hg.) (2022): Perspektiven nach dem Ukrainekrieg. Europa auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Friedensordnung?. Freiburg/Basel/Wien: Herder, 144 S.
Kumm, Mattias (2020): "
Arbeit am Exit als Staatspflicht. Regierungen müssen ihre Bürger vor dem Verlust der Freiheit schützen". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 168, S. 14-16.
Kumm, Mattias (2020): "
"We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident”. Constitutionalism, Public Reason, and Legitimate Authority". In: Silje Langvatn/Mattias Kumm/Wojciech Sadurski (Eds.): Public Reason and Courts. Studies on International Courts and Tribunals Series. Cambridge et al.: Cambridge University Press, S. 143-163.
Langvatn, Silje/
Kumm, Mattias/
Sadurski, Wojciech (Eds.) (2020):
Public Reason and Courts. Studies on International Courts and Tribunals Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, XXVII, 367 S.
Kumm, Mattias (2019): "
On the Representativeness of Constitutional Courts. How to Strengthen the Legitimacy of Rights Adjudicating Courts without Undermining Their Independence". In: Christine Landfried (Ed.): Judicial Power. How Constitutional Courts Affect Political Transformations. Cambridge u.a.: Cambridge University Press, S. 281-291.
Kumm, Mattias (2019): "
Zur Geschichte und Theorie des Globalen Konstitutionalismus. Gegenwärtige Herausforderungen des Globalen Konstitutionalismus". In: Julian Nida-Rümelin/Detlef von Daniels/Nicole Wloka/Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Hg.): Internationale Gerechtigkeit und institutionelle Verantwortung. Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppen, Forschungsberichte, Bd. 41. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, S. 105-138.
Kumm, Mattias/Bastarreche Bengoa, Tomás (2019): "Las causas de la crisis financiera y del resentimiento ciudadano en Europa. Qué tiene el derecho que ver en ello". In: José Luis García Guerrero/Mará Luz Martínez Alarcón (Eds.): Constitucionalizando la globalización. Vol. 2. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, S. 1671-1692.
Solozábal Echavarría, Juan José/Kumm, Mattias /López Garrido, Diego/García Guerrero, José Luis (2019): "Debate. Puede la ue solventar estos problemas de la globalización reformandos sus instituciones o precisa transformarse en un estado ferdeal?". In: José Luis García Guerrero/Mará Luz Martínez Alarcón (Eds.): Constitucionalizando la globalización. Vol. 2. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, S. 1605-1647.
Wiener, Antje/
Dunoff, Jeffrey L./
Havercroft, Jonathan /
Kumm, Mattias/
Kovács, Kriszta (2019): "
Global Constitutionalism as agora. Interdisciplinary encounters, cultural recognition and global diversity". In: Global Constitutionalism, Vol. 8, No. 1, S. 1-11.
Kumm, Mattias (2018): "
The Turn to Justification. On the Structure and Domain of Human Rights Practice". In: Adam Etinson (Ed.): Human Rights. Moral or Political?. Oxford: Oxford University Press, S. 238-261.
Suami, Takao/Peters, Anne/Vanoverbeke, Dimitri/Kumm, Mattias (Eds.) (2018): Global Constitutionalism from European and East Asian Perspectives. Cambridge u.a.: Cambridge University Press.
Kumm, Mattias (2017): "
Causes of the Financial Crisis and Causes of Citizen Resentment in Europe. What Law Has to Do With It". In: Lina Papadopoulou/Ingolf Pernice/Joseph H.H. Weiler (Eds.): Legitimacy Issues of the European Union in the Face of Crisis. Dimitris Tsatos in memoriam. European Constitutional Law Network-Series, Vol. 9. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 129-148.
Kumm, Mattias (2016): "
An Empire of Capital? Transatlantic Investment Protection as the Protection of Illegitimate Investor Privileges". In: WZB Report, Vol. 2016, S. 43-46.
Kumm, Mattias (2016): "
Constituent Power, Boundaries and Identity. On the Justificatory Depth of Constitutionalism - A Rejoinder to Neil Walker". In: International Journal of Constitutional Law - I CON, Vol. 14, No. 4, S. 914–924.
Kumm, Mattias (2016): "Sovereignty and the Right to Be Left Alone. Subsidiarity, Justice-Sensitive Externalities, and the Proper Domain of the Consent Requirement in International Law". In: Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. 79, No. 2, S. 239-258.
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "25 Jahre nach Ende des Kalten Krieges. Der liberal-demokratische Verfassungsstaat zwischen autoritären Herausforderungen und neuen Kriegen". In: polar - Politik/Theorie/Alltag, H. 19, S. 25-32.
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "
Ein Imperium des Kapitals? Der transatlantische Investitionsschutz als Schutz illegitimer Investorenprivilegien". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 148, S. 10-13.
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "
An Empire of Capital? Transatlantic Investment Protection as the Institutionalization of Unjustified Privilege". In: ESIL Reflections, Vol. 4, No. 3, S. 1-8.
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "
An Empire of Capital? Transatlantic Investment Protection as the Institutionalization of Unjustified Privilege". In: Verfassungsblog - On Matters Constitutional, 27.05.2015.
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "
Taking 'The Dark Side' Seriously. Constitutionalism and the Question of Constitutional Progress - Or: Why It is Fitting to Have the 2016 ICON-S Conference in Berlin". In: International Journal of Constitutional Law - I CON, Vol. 13, No. 4, S. 777-784.
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "
Ein Weltreich des Kapitals? Die Institutionalisierung ungerechtfertigter Investorenprivilegien in TTIP und CETA". In: Leviathan - Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, Jg. 43, H. 3, S. 464-475.
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "Democratic Governance of the Euro. Two Practical Suggestions". In: Maximilian Steinbeis/Alexandra Kemmerer/Christoph Möllers (Eds.): Krise und Konstitutionalisierung in Europa. Verfassungsblog I. Recht im Kontext, Vol. 3. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 49-53. (vorab online publiziert 23. Mai 2012:
Kumm, Mattias (2015): "Rettungsschirm für Grundrechte". In: Maximilian Steinbeis/Alexandra Kemmerer/Christoph Möllers (Hg.): Gebändigte Macht. Verfassung im europäischen Nationalstaat - Verfassungsblog II. Recht im Kontext, Bd. 4. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 205-208 (zuerst online publiziert 1. März 2012:
Kumm, Mattias/
Steinbeis, Maximilian (2015): "'Eine parlamentarisch verantwortliche Regierung für Europa'. Interview mit Mattias Kumm". In: Maximilian Steinbeis/Alexandra Kemmerer/Christoph Möllers (Hg.): Krise und Konstitutionalisierung in Europa. Verfassungsblog I. Recht im Kontext, Bd. 3. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 193-198 (zuerst online publiziert 23. Januar 2013:
Kumm, Mattias (2014): "
Welcher chinesische Traum? Vom Konstitutionalismus und seinen gefährlichen Alternativen". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 144, S. 10-12.
Kumm, Mattias (2014): "
Rebel Without a Good Cause. Karlsruhe's Misguided Attempt to Draw the CJEU into a Game of 'Chicken' and What the CJEU Might Do about It". In: German Law Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, Special Issue "The OMT Decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court", S. 203-215.
Kumm, Mattias/
Lang, Anthony F./
Tully, James/
Wiener, Antje (2014): "
Editorial. How Large Is the World of Global Constitutionalism?". In: Global Constitutionalism, Vol. 3, No. 1, S. 1-8.
Kumm, Mattias/
Walen, Alec D. (2014): "
Human Dignity and Proportionality. Deontic Pluralism in Balancing". In: Grant Huscroft/Bradley W. Miller/Grégoire Webber (Eds.): Proportionality and the Rule of Law. Rights, Justification, Reasoning. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, S. 67-89.
Kumm, Mattias (2013): "Kosmopolitischer Staat und konstitutionelle Autorität. Eine integrative Konzeption Öffentlichen Rechts". In: Der Staat - Zeitschrift für Staatslehre und Verfassungsgeschichte, deutsches und europäisches öffentliches Recht, Beiheft 21 "Verabschiedung und Wiederentdeckung des Staates im Spannungsfeld der Disziplinen", herausgegeben von Andreas Voßkuhle/Christian Bumke/Florian Meinel. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, S. 245-266.
Kumm, Mattias (2013): "The Cosmopolitan Turn in Constitutionalism. An Integrated Conception of Public Law". In: Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, Vol. 20, No. 2, S. 605-628.
Merkel, Wolfgang/
Kumm, Mattias/
Zürn, Michael (2013): "
Und wer hat das Sagen? Die Euro-Krise und die Demokratie - Wolfgang Merkel, Mattias Kumm und Michael Zürn im Gespräch". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 139, S. 25-28.
Kumm, Mattias (2012): "
Representativeness and Independence of Courts". In: Adriana Silvia Dreyzin de Klor/Miguel Poiares Maduro/Antoine Vauchez (Eds.): Courts, Social Change and Judicial Independence. RSCAS Policy Paper, No. 2012/07. Florence: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute, S. 53-55.
Kumm, Mattias (2012): "
Democratic Challenges Arising out of the Eurocrisis". In: European Parliament's Policy Department C "Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs" (Ed.): Challenges of Multi-tier Governance in the EU. Workshop, Thursday, 4th October 2012, PHS 3C50 - Outlines of the Presentations. Brussels: European Parliament, S. 33-35.
Kumm, Mattias (2012): "Alexy's Theory of Constitutional Rights and the Problem of Judicial Review". In: Mathias Klatt (Ed.): Institutionalized Reason. The Jurisprudence of Robert Alexy. Oxford ; New York, NY: Oxford University Press, S. 201-217.
Kumm, Mattias (2012): "Rethinking Constitutional Authority. On the Structure and Limits of Constitutional Pluralism". In: Matej Avbelj/Jan Komárek (Eds.): Constitutional Pluralism in the European Union and Beyond. Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law, Vol. 14. Oxford/Portland, OR: Hart Publishing, S. 39-65.
Kumm, Mattias (2012): "The Idea of Thick Constitutional Patriotism and Its Implications for the Role and Structure of European Legal History". In: Helle Porsdam/Thomas Elholm (Eds.): Dialogues on Justice. European Perspectives on Law and Humanities. Law & Literature, Vol. 3. Berlin/Boston, MA: Walter de Gruyter, S. 108-137.
Kumm, Mattias (2012): "The Moral Point of Constitutional Pluralism. Defining the Domain of Legitimate Institutional Civil Disobedience and Conscientious Objection". In: Julie Dickson/Pavlos Eleftheriadis (Eds.): Philosophical Foundations of European Union Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, S. 216-246.
Kumm, Mattias (2011): "Comment: Contesting the Management of Difference. Transnational Human Rights, Religion and the European Court of Human Rights' Lautsi Decision". In: Kolja Raube/Anika Sattler (Eds.): Difference and Democracy. Exploring Potentials in Europe and Beyond. Frankfurt a.M./New York, NY: Campus, S. 245-259.
Kumm, Mattias (2011): "How Does European Union Law Fit into the World of Public Law? Costa, Kadi, and Three Models of Public Law". In: Jürgen Neyer/Antje Wiener (Eds.): Political Theory of the European Union. Oxford/New York, NY: Oxford University Press, S. 111-138.
Kumm, Mattias (2011): "European Legality and Jurisdictional Justification. How the ECJ Should Determine the Legality of Legislation under Art. 114 TFEU". In: Flavia Carbonell/Agustín José Menéndez/John Erik Fossum (Eds.): Hope, Reluctance or Fear?. The Democratic Consequences of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice. Arena Report, No. 5/11. Oslo: Arena Centre for European Studies at the University of Oslo, S. 115-165.
Kumm, Mattias (2010): "Internationale Handelsgesellschaft, Nold and the New Human Rights Paradigm". In: Miguel Poiares Maduro/Loïc Azoulai (Eds.): The Past and Future of EU Law. The Classics of EU Law Revisited on the 50th Anniversary of the Rome Treaty. Oxford/Portland, OR: Hart Publishing, S. 106-118.
Kumm, Mattias (2010): "The Idea of Socratic Contestation and the Right to Justification. The Point of Rights-Based Proportionality Review". In: Law and Ethics of Human Rights, Vol. 4, No. 2, S. 141-175.