Dr. Melanie Hanif
Research fields
Melanie Hanif was a visiting researcher of the research unit Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions from May to October 2011. She is a doctoral student at the University of Hamburg and an associate researcher at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA). Her dissertation has the working title “The Impact of founding myth on the legitimacy of regional structures with a reconstruction of the case of Rising India”.
Selected Publications
Zum Stand der Debatte um das Machtkonzept im Forschungskontext regionaler Führungsmächte, in: Flemes, Daniel/ Nabers, Dirk/ Nolte, Detlef (Eds.), Regionale Führungsmächte - Theorien und Forschungsperspektiven, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011.
Geopolitische Prioritäten der aufstrebenden Regionalmacht Indien, in: Jahresheft Geopolitik, Schriftenreihe des Geoinformationsdienstes der Bundeswehr, 46-51, 2011.
Der Afghanistan-Konflikt – Bewährungsprobe für die Sicherheitspolitik von Barack Obama. GIGA Focus Global, No. 6/2010, Hamburg: GIGA, 2010.
(with J. Betz): The Formation of Preferences in Two-level Games: An Analysis of India’s Domestic and Foreign Energy Policy, GIGA Working Paper 142, Hamburg: GIGA, 2010.
Indian Involvement in Afghanistan in the Context of the South Asian Security System, in: Journal of Strategic Security 3(2), 13-26, 2010.
Dissertation: The Impact of founding myth on the legitimacy of regional structures with a reconstruction of the case of Rising India (Working title; supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Nabers)