Dr. Sassan Gholiagha
Research fields
Since 01/2022 Visiting Researcher of the Global Governance Research Unit
Since 12/2021 Postdoctoral Researcher at the European New School of Digital Studies, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt(Oder)
05/2021 - 12/2021 Visiting Researcher of the Research Group Governance for Global Health
05/2021 - 10/2021 Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for International Relations and the Technical University Braunschweig
07/2017 - 04/2021 Research Fellow in WZB & Free University Junior Research Group Governance for Global Health and Postdoc in the COLLISIONS Project as part of the German Research Council funded Research UnitOverlapping Spheres of Authority and Interface Conflicts in the Global Order (OSAIC)
02/2017–06/2017 Postdoc at the Institute of Political Science, Department of Social Science, Faculty for Business, Economics, and Social Sciences, University of Hamburg
10/2016–01/2017 Parental Leave
08/2016 Dr. phil., University of Hamburg. Title of the Dissertation: "The Humanization of international relations - Prosecution, Protection, and Killing."
04/2016–09/2016 Researcher at the Chair of Political Science, especially Global Governance (Prof. Antje Wiener, PhD, FAcSS), Institute of Political Science, Department of Social Science, Faculty for Business, Economics, and Social Sciences, University of Hamburg
06/2015–06/2016 Coordinator for a Research Unit funding application at der University of Hamburg on “Constitutionalism Unbound: Contested Narratives of Global Constitutionalisation”
04/2010–09/2016 Managing Editor Global Constitutionalism - Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law
04/2010–04/2015 Researcher at the Chair of Political Science, especially Global Governance (Prof. Antje Wiener, PhD, FAcSS), Institute of Political Science, Department of Social Science, Faculty for Business, Economics, and Social Sciences, University of Hamburg
09/2009 M.A. in „Diplomacy, Law and Global Change“, Coventry University (United Kingdom)
09/2008 M.A. in „Democratic Governance and Civil Society“, University of Osnabrück (Germany)
09/2006 B.A. in „Social Sciences“, University of Osnabrück (Germany)
Selected Publications
"Advocacy Coalition Constellations and Norm Collisions. Insights from International Drug Control, Human Trafficking, and Child Labour", Global Society, (2021), online first https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13600826.2021.1885352, (together with Anna Holzscheiter and Andrea Liese)
"Activating Norm Collisions: Interface Conflicts in International Drug Control”, Global Constitutionalism - Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law, (2020), 9(2), 290-314 (together with Anna Holzscheiter and Andrea Liese)
"Telling the Story of R2P: The Emplotment of R2P in the UN Security Council’s debates on Libya". In "Constructing the Responsibility to Protect. Contestation and Consolidation", Edited by Charles T. Hunt and Phil Orchard. Abingdon, Oxon, New York, NY: Routledge (2020), 69-88 (together with Bastian Loges)
"Telling the Story of R2P: The Emplotment of R2P in the UN Security Council’s debates on Libya". In "Constructing the Responsibility to Protect. Contestation and Consolidation", edited by Charles T. Hunt and Phil Orchard. Abingdon, Oxon, New York, NY: Routledge. (in Print, forthcoming 2020, together with Bastian Loges)
“On the Meaning of Democracy: Critique and Counter-Critique”, New Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Journal on Central & East European Politics, (2017), 25(2), 21-27 (Forum ‘On Pseudonymous Politics: Regarding Implicit and Explicit Misconceptions of Democracy’ by Peter Sloterdijk)
"Individualized and Yet Dehumanized? Targeted Killing via Drones", part of a Special Issue "Game Changer? On the Epistemology, Ontology and Politics of Drones", BEHEMOTH - A Journal on Civilisation, (2015), 8(2), 128-153
"To prevent 'future Kosovos and future Rwandas' A critical constructivist view of the Responsibility to Protect", International Journal of Human Rights, (2015), 19 (8), 1074-1097
"Den Schleier lichten? Kritische Normenforschung, Freiheit und Gleichheit im 'Arabischen Frühling'", Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, (2014), 21(2), 85-106 (together with Maren Hofius, Jan Wilkens und Hannes Hansen-Magnusson)
"The responsibility to protect: Words, deeds and humanitarian interventions", Journal of International Political Theory, (2014), 10(3), 361-370 (Review Essay)
"Die Responsibility to Protect und Souveränität" in: Volk, Christian und Kuntz, Friederike (Eds.): "Der Begriff der Souveränität in der transnationalen Konstellation", Baden-Baden, Nomos (2014),189-214
Postdoctoral Researcher in the Projects "Responding to Norm Collisions: Procedural Norms and Interface Management in Fragmented Areas of Transnational Politics" (COLLISIONS). Part of the DFG funded Research Unit OSAIC. More Information on COLLISIONS and OSAIC can be found on the project website.