Lacewell, Onawa Promise (2017): "Beyond Policy Positions. How Party Type Conditions Programmatic Responses to Globalization Pressures". In: Party Politics, Vol. 23, No. 4, S. 448-460. (vorab online pubiziert 22.09.2015)
Merkel, Wolfgang (2017): "Bruchlinien. Kosmopolitismus, Kommunitarismus und die Demokratie". In: Schattenblick - Eine elektronische Zeitung, 26.01.2017.
Strijbis, Oliver/Teney, Céline (2017): "The Cosmopolitanism of Elites. In Many Countries, the Population as a Whole Tends to Be Nationally Minded". In: WZB Report, Vol. 2017, S. 26-28.
Zürn, Michael (2017): "Die Globalisierung ist alternativlos. Defizite, Stärke und innere Widersprüche der liberalen Weltordnung". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 157, S. 21-23.
Koopmans, Ruud (2016): "Meerderheidscultuur verdient ook alle steun". In: De Volkskrant, 03.12.2016, S. 10-11.
Merkel, Wolfgang (2016): "Bruchlinien. Kosmopolitismus, Kommunitarismus und die Demokratie". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 154, S. 11-14.
Strijbis, Oliver/Teney, Céline (2016): "Das Weltbürgertum der Eliten. In vielen Ländern ist die Gesamtbevölkerung eher nationalstaatlich orientiert". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 154, S. 25-27.
Zürn, Michael (2016): "Solidarität muss erstritten werden. Die Flüchtlingskrise zwingt Europa zur offenen Auseinandersetzung". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 151, S. 10-13 (auch erschienen in: Schattenblick, 01.07.2016, online:
Zürn, Michael (2016): "Jenseits der Klassenfrage. Neue Konfliktlinien zeigen sich in Europa, der Türkei und Amerika". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 154, S. 7-10 (auch erschienen in: Schattenblick, 24.01.2017, online:
Zürn, Michael (2016): "Der Westen muss wieder an sich selbst glauben". In: Tagesspiegel Causa, 07.12.2016. (Debatte "Europa und die weltweiten Krisen")
Zürn, Michael (2016): "Survey Article. Four Models of a Global Order with Cosmopolitan Intent - An Empirical Assessment". In: The Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol. 24, No. 1, S. 88-119. (vorab online publiziert 11. September 2015)
Zürn, Michael/de Wilde, Pieter (2016): "Debating Globalization. Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism as Political Ideologies". In: Journal of Political Ideologies, Vol. 21, No. 3, S. 280-301.
de Wilde, Pieter/Junk, Wiebke Marie/Palmtag, Tabea (2016): "Das demokratische Dilemma. Würde ein gewähltes Weltparlament die kosmopolitische Idee fördern?". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 154, S. 28-30.
de Wilde, Pieter/Junk, Wiebke Marie/Palmtag, Tabea (2016): "Accountability and Opposition to Globalization in International Assemblies". In: European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 22, No. 4, S. 823-846. (vorab online publiziert 30.09.2015)
Helbling, Marc/Teney, Céline (2015): "The Cosmopolitan Elite in Germany. Transnationalism and Postmaterialism". In: Global Networks - A Journal of Transnational Affairs, Vol. 15, No. 4, S. 446-468. (vorab online publiziert 5. März 2015)
Koopmans, Ruud (2015): "De meerderheid in rechtvaardigingsnood. Culturele rechten van nationale meerderheden tussen universalisme en minderheidsrechten". In: Jasper Doomen/Afshin Ellian (Eds.): De strijd van gelijkheid en vrijheid. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers, S. 265-286.
Strijbis, Oliver (2015): "Beyond Opportunity Structures. Explaining Migrant Protest in Western Europe, 1975-2005". In: Comparative Migration Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, Article 5, S. 1-22.
de Wilde, Pieter (2015): "What Rallying Call Could Revive the EU's Public Support?". In: Europe's World, 13.04.2015.
Strijbis, Oliver (2014): "How a Close Race is Bringing Scots to the Polls". In:, 16.09.2014.
Strijbis, Oliver (2014): "Migration Background and Voting Behavior in Switzerland. A Socio-psychological Explanation". In: Swiss Political Science Review, Vol. 20, No. 4, Special Issue "The 2011 Swiss Elections", S. 612-631. (Vorab online publiziert 31. Oktober 2014)
Teney, Céline/Helbling, Marc (2014): "How Denationalization Divides the Elites and Citizens". In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Vol. 43, No. 4, S. 258-271.
Teney, Céline/Lacewell, Onawa Promise/de Wilde, Pieter (2014): "Winners and Losers of Globalization in Europe. Attitudes and Ideologies". In: European Political Science Review, Vol. 6, No. 4, S. 575-595. (Vorab online publiziert 26. November 2013)
Zürn, Michael (2014): "The Politicization of World Politics and Its Effects. Eight Propositions". In: European Political Science Review, Vol. 6, No. 1, S. 47-71. (Vorab online publiziert 11. Dezember 2012)
de Wilde, Peter/Koopmans, Ruud/Zürn, Michael (2014): The Political Sociology of Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism. Representative Claims Analysis. WZB Discussion Paper SP IV 2014-102. Berlin: WZB.
de Wilde, Pieter (2014): "The Operating Logics of National Parliaments and Mass Media in the Politicisation of Europe". In: The Journal of Legislative Studies, Vol. 20, No. 1, Special Issue "Connecting with the Electorate? Parliamentary Communication in EU Affairs", S. 46-61.
Allmendinger, Jutta/Bunselmeyer, Elisabeth/Ecker-Ehrhardt, Matthias/Helbling, Marc/Holland-Cunz, Marc/Teney, Céline/Weßels, Bernhard (2013): Entscheidungsträger in Deutschland. Werte und Einstellungen. Berlin: WZB.
Lacewell, Onawa Promise/Merkel, Wolfgang (2013): "Value Shifts in European Societies. Clashes between Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism". In: Olaf Cramme/Patrick Diamond/Michael McTernan (Eds.): Progressive Politics after the Crash. Governing from the Left. London/New York, NY: I.B. Tauris, S. 77-95.
Zürn, Michael (2013): "Das schwierige Verhältnis von Globalisierung und Demokratie". In: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft/Journal of Political Science, Jg. 23, H. 2, S. 289-300.
de Wilde, Pieter (2013): "Representative Claims Analysis. Theory Meets Method". In: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 20, No. 2, Special Issue "The Representative Turn in EU Studies", S. 278-294.
Michailidou, Asimina/Trenz, Hans‑Jörg/de Wilde, Pieter (2012): "(W)e the Peoples of Europe. Representations of the European Union Polity During 2009 European Parliamentary Elections on the Internet". In: Tatjana Evas/Ulrike Liebert/Christopher Lord (Eds.): Multilayered Representation in the European Union. Parliaments, Courts and the Public Sphere. Schriftenreihe des Zentrum für Europäische Rechtspolitik (ZERP), Vol. 64. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 215-232.
de Wilde, Pieter (2012): "Politicisation of the EU Budget. Conflict and the Constraining Dissensus". In: West European Politics, Vol. 35, No. 5, S. 1075-1094.
de Wilde, Pieter (2012): "The Plural Representative Space. How Mass Media and National Parliaments Stimulate Pluralism through Competition". In: Sandra Kröger/Dawid Friedrich (Eds.): The Challenge of Democratic Representation in the European Union. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 117-134.
de Wilde, Pieter (2012): Why the Early Warning Mechanism Does not Alleviate the Democratic Deficit. OPAL Online Paper 6/2012. Maastricht: Observatory for Parliaments after Lisbon Treaty (OPAL).
de Wilde, Pieter/Trenz, Hans-Jörg (2012): "Denouncing European Integration. Euroscepticism as Polity Contestation". In: European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 15, No. 4, S. 537-554. (Vorab online publiziert 14. März 2012)
de Wilde, Pieter/Zürn, Michael (2012): "Can the Politicization of European Integration be Reversed?". In: JCMS - Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 50, No. S1, Special Issue, guest edited by Walter Mattli/Alec Stone Sweet, S. 137-153.
de Wilde, Pieter (2012): "Die neueste Mode in Oslo. Warum die EU den Nobelpreis gewonnen hat". In: Der Tagesspiegel, 08.12.2012, S. 8.
Michailidou, Asimina/Trenz, Hans-Jörg/de Wilde, Pieter (2011): "European Crisis and the Theory of the Public Sphere. An Analytical Model". In: Zitimata epikinonias/Communication Issues, Vol. 7, No. 12-13, S. 107-118. (in griechischer Sprache)
Zürn, Michael (2011): "The Fall of the Berlin Wall, Globalization, and the Future of Europe". In: Zemanim - Rivon le-historyah/Zmanim - A Historical Quarterly, No. 114, S. 16-23. (in hebräischer Sprache)
de Wilde, Pieter (2011): "No Effect, Weapon of the Weak or Reinforcing Executive Dominance? How Media Coverage Affects National Parliaments' Involvement in EU Policy-Formulation". In: Comparative European Politics, Vol. 9, No. 2, S. 123-144.
de Wilde, Pieter (2011): "No Polity for Old Politics? A Framework for Analyzing the Politicization of European Integration". In: Journal of European Integration, Vol. 33, No. 5, S. 559-575.
de Wilde, Pieter (2011): "Ex Ante vs. Ex Post. The Trade-off between Partisan Conflict and Visibility in Debating EU Policy-formulation in National Parliaments". In: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 18, No. 5, S. 672-689.
de Wilde, Pieter (2011): "Comment: Belonging and Engagement. Benefits of Difference on European Union Issues in Europe's Public Spheres". In: Kolja Raube/Annika Sattler (Eds.): Difference and Democracy. Exploring Potentials in Europe and Beyond. Frankfurt a.M./New York, NY: Campus, S. 327-338.