Einstein Center Population Diversity (ECPD)


Objective 6: To evaluate the relation between family diversity and educational inequalities

Objective 6 aims at examining how and through which mediating channels family diversity influences children’s educational success.

We will address this issue by focusing on the interplay between family diversity and children’s educational trajectories, as well as other factors that may influence both. We are interested in how educational reproduction operates for different types of families (including, for example, non-resident biological parents, co-resident non-biological parents and siblings), and in genetic nurture and health as mediators in the interplay between family complexity and educational disparities.

Research Questions:

- Does the impact of family events on children’ education depend on the timing in children’s educational biography?

- Do biological and stepparents’ educational genotypes differ in their influence (genetic nurture) on children’s success?

Einstein Center Population Diversity

Main content

Selected Publications

Akimova, Evelina T/Wolfram, Tobias/Ding, Xuejie/Tropf, Felix C/Mills, Melinda C (2024): "Polygenic Prediction of Occupational Status GWAS Elucidates Genetic and Environmental Interplay in Intergenerational Transmission, Careers and Health in UK Biobank". In: Nature Human Behaviour, advance access, 23.12.2024, online: https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41562-024-02076-3.
Baier, Tina/Lyngstad, Torkild Hovde (2024): "Social Background Effects on Educational Outcomes. New Insights from Modern Genetic Science". In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Vol. 76, No. 3, Special Issue "Biosocial and Evolutionary Approaches in Sociology", S. 525-545.