School-to-work transitions of disadvantaged youth


The German so-called “transition system” offers a range of different educational measures below the level of fully qualifying vocational education and training programs. These measures do not lead to state-approved formal qualification.

We know little about effects und effectiveness of these prevocational measures in term of skill acquisition, certificates or placement rate in regular apprenticeship. Several studies have analyzed participation in single measurements but we only have little knowledge about short- and long-term outcomes of this participation.

Our research wants to broaden this knowledge: Does the transition system mitigate the risk of educational poverty? Why - against the odds - do some young people successfully enter qualifying vocational training?

Our research uses longitudinal data from the National Educational Panel Study in Germany (NEPS). From the German Life Course Study, and data collected in cooperation with the Sociological Research Institute in Göttingen.


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Selected Publications

Solga, Heike/Kohlrausch, Bettina/Kretschmann, Claudia/Fromm, Sabine (2010): Evaluation des Projekts 'Abschlussquote erhöhen - Berufsfähigkeit steigern'. IAB-Forschungsbericht 5/2010. Nürnberg: Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB)/Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (SOFI).
Solga, Heike/Kretschmann, Claudia (2010): Follow-up-Studie zur Evaluation des Projekts 'Abschlussquote erhöhen - Berufsfähigkeit steigern'. WZB Discussion Paper SP I 2010-503. Berlin: WZB.
Solga, Heike (2009): Der Blick nach vorn. Herausforderungen an das deutsche Ausbildungssystem - Thesenpapier zum Symposium des WZB am 19.11.2009. WZB Discussion Paper SP I 2009-507. Berlin: WZB.

Baethge, Martin/Solga, Heike/Wieck, Markus (2007). Berufsbildung im Umbruch – Signale eines überfälligen Aufbruchs. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.