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Gustavo Fring/Pexels

Who cares? Paid and unpaid care work


Families are increasingly outsourcing care and nursing activities. For example, care homes and mobile care services are increasingly replacing informal support from relatives. At the same time, women and men are reorganizing the distribution of paid and unpaid work and young children are no longer cared for exclusively by their mothers, but also by daycare centers and increasingly by fathers. Building on the results of the BMBF-funded project “The Social Psychology of Care Work” (duration 01/2012 - 07/2018), this project analyzes the effects of these changes on social inequalities in several thematically and methodologically linked sub-projects. Why is the pay for social services still low despite the high demand for care workers? How can men and women successfully reconcile work and family? What obstacles need to be overcome so that the outsourcing of care and support tasks reduces gender inequalities instead of shifting them from one population group to another? These socially relevant questions are examined in sub-projects that are linked in terms of content and methodology.

Main content

Selected Publications

Frodermann, Corinna/Hipp, Lena/Bünning, Mareike (2024): "Money Matters! Evidence from a Survey Experiment on Attitudes toward Maternal Employment across Contexts in Germany". In: Gender & Society - The official Journal of Sociologists for Women in Society, Vol. 38, No. 3, S. 436-465. (vorab online publiziert 16.05.2024)
Kelley, Kristin/Hipp, Lena/Protsch, Paula (2024): "Organizational Commitments to Equality Change how People View Women's and Men's Professional Success". In: Scientific Reports, No. 14, Article number 7609.
Cheng, Simon/Kelley, Kristin/Powell, Brian (2023): "One Parent, Two Parents, One Sex, Two Sexes. Public Attitudes toward Single and Same-Sex Parents". In: Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 85, No. 2, S. 413-435. (vorab online publiziert 9.12.2022)
Kelley, Kristin (2023): "The Effect of Marital Name Choices on Heterosexual Women’s and Men’s Perceived Quality as Romantic Partners". In: Socius - Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, Vol. 9, S. 1-14.
Abendroth, Anja/Lott, Yvonne/Hipp, Lena/Müller, Dana/Sauermann, Armin/Carstensen, Tanja (2022): "Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Changed Gender- and Parental-Status-Specific Differences in Working from Home? Panel Evidence from Germany". In: Gender, Work & Organization, Vol. 26, No. 6, S. 1991-2011. (vorab online publiziert 05.04.2022)
Bernhardt, Janine/Bünning, Mareike (2022): "The Long Arm of an Unsupportive Work-Family Culture in Work Organizations. Crossover to the Partner’s Work-Family Balance Satisfaction in Dual-Earner Couples". In: Applied Research in Quality of Life, Vol. 17, No. 2, S. 723-750. (vorab online publiziert 23.03.2021)
Bünning, Mareike/Hipp, Lena (2022): "(How) Can We Become More Equal? Public Policies and Parents' Work-Family Preferences". In: Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 32, No. 2, S. 182-196. (vorab online publiziert 17.11.2021)
Li, Jianghong/Bünning, Mareike/Kaiser, Till/Hipp, Lena (2022): "Who Suffered Most? Parental Stress and Mental Health during the Initial Phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Germany". In: JFR - Journal of Family Research, Vol. 34, No. 1, Special Issue "Family lives during the COVID-19 pandemic in European societies", edited by Ulrike Zartler/Katarzyna Suwada/Michaela Kreyenfeld, S. 281-309. (vorab online publiziert 04.10.2021)
Schlomann, Anna/Bünning, Mareike/Hipp, Lena/Wahl, Hans-Werner (2022): "Aging during COVID-19 in Germany. A Longitudinal Analysis of Psychosocial Adaption and Attitudes toward Aging". In: European Journal of Ageing - Social, Behavioural and Health Perspectives, Vol. 19, No. 4, S. 1077-1086. (vorab online publiziert 01.10.2021)
Bünning, Mareike/Hipp, Lena (2021): "Geschlechterungleichheiten im Arbeitsleben und subjektiven Wohlbefinden von Erwerbstätigen während der COVID-19-Pandemie". In: Sozialer Fortschritt - Unabhängige Zeitschrift für Sozialpolitik, Jg. 70, H. 5/6, Themenheft "Geschlechterpolitik in der Krise. Gleichstellung in Zeiten von Corona§, herausgegeben von Irem Güney-Frahm, S. 293-315.
Hipp, Lena/Bünning, Mareike (2021): "Parenthood as a Driver of Increased Gender Inequality during COVID-19? Exploratory Evidence from Germany". In: European Societies, Vol. 22, No. S1, Special Issue "European Societies in the Time of the Coronavirus Crisis", S. S658-S673. (vorab online publiziert 22.10.2020)
Bünning, Mareike (2020): "Paternal Part-Time Employment and Fathers' Long-Term Involvement in Child Care and Housework". In: Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 82, No. 2, S. 566-586. (vorab online publiziert 04.10.2019)
Hipp, Lena (2020): "Feeling Secure vs. Being Secure? Qualitative Evidence on the Relationship between Labour Market Institutions and Employees' Perceived Job Security from Germany and the U.S.". In: Contemporary Social Science - Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, Vol. 15, No. 4, Special Issue "The Changing World of Work and Employment", edited by Polly Lord, S. 416-429. (vorab online publiziert 16.09.2019)
Hipp, Lena (2020): "Do Hiring Practices Penalize Women and Benefit Men for Having Children? Experimental evidence from German". In: European Sociological Review, Vol. 36, No. 2, S. 250–264. (vorab online publiziert 12.11.2019)
Hipp, Lena/Bünning, Mareike/Munnes, Stefan/Sauermann, Armin (2020): "Problems and Pitfalls of Retrospective Survey Questions in COVID-19 Studies". In: Survey Research Methods, Vol. 14, No. 2, S. 109-114.
Samtleben, Claire/Bringmann, Julia/Bünning, Mareike/Hipp, Lena (2019): "What Helps and What Hinders? Exploring the Role of Workplace Characteristics for Parental Leave Use and Its Career Consequences". In: Social Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 10, Article Number 270, S. 1-30.