5th Economics of Media Bias Workshop
Marcel Garz

Working Papers

Kerkhof, A.. "Advertising and Content Differentiation: Evidence from YouTube (Dowload link)".

Kerkhof, A./ Mindl, F./ Müller, L./ Münster, J.. "Debunking "fake news" on social media: short- and long-term effects of fact checking and media literacy interventions".

Kerkhof, A./ Cennamo, C./ Kretschmer, T./ Meyer, T.. "Competition for Attention on Information Platforms: The case of local news outlets".

Garz, M./ Zhuang, M.. "Media coverage and pandemic behaviour: Evidence from Sweden (Download link)"

Garz, M./ Szucs, F.. "Algorithmic Selection and Quality of Political News on Facebook".

Martin, G. J./ Djourelova, M./ Durante, R.. "The Impact of Online Competition on Local Newspapers: Evidence from the Introduction of Craigslist".


Garz, M./ Dujeancourt, E.. "The Effects of Algorithmic Content Selection on User Engagement with News on Twitter". The Information Society, 39(5), (2023): pp. 263-281.


Garz, M./ Rickardsson, J.. "Ownership and Media Slant: Evidence from Swedish Newspapers". Kyklos, 76(1), (2022): pp. 18-40.


Münster, J./ Kerkhof, A./ Freitag, J.. "Selective sharing of news items and the political position of news outlets". Information Economics and Policy, 56, (2021).

Martin, G. J./ Turkel, E.. "A Method for Measuring Investigative Journalism in Local Newspapers". Proceedings of the National Acedemy of Sciences, 118(30), (2021).

Garz, M./ Martin, G. J.. "Media Influence on Vote Choices: Unemployment News and Incumbents' Electoral Prospects". American Journal of Political Science, 65(2), (2021): pp. 278-293.

Garz, M./ Sörensen, J.. "Political Scandals, Newspapers, and the Election Cycle". Political Behavior, 43, (2021): pp. 1017-1036.

Fowler, E. F./ Franz, M. M./ Martin, G. J./ Peskowitz, Z./ Ridout, T. N.. "Political Advertising Online and Offline".American Political Science Review, 115(1), (2021), pp: 130-149.

Kerkhof, A./ Freitag, J./ Münster, J.. "Selective Sharing of News Items and the Political Position of News Outlets" Information Economics and Policy, 56, (2021).

Kerkhof, A./ Münster, J.. "Detecting Coverage Bias in User-generated Content". Journal of Media Economics, 32(3-4), (2021): pp. 99-130.



Garz, M./ Sörensen, J. / Stone, D. F.. "Partisan Selective Engagement: Evidence from Facebook". Journal of Economics Behavior & Organization, 177, (2020): pp. 91-108.

Garz, M./ Sood, G./ Stone, D./ Wallace, J.. "The Supply of Media Slant Across Outlets and Demand for Slant Within Outlets: Evidence from US Presidential Campaign News". European Journal of Political Economy, 63, (2020): pp. 1-22.



Martin, G. J./ McCain, J.. "Local News and National Politics". American Political Science Review, 113(2), (2019): pp. 372-384.



Martin, G. J./ Peskowitz, Z.. "Agency Problems in Political Campaigns: Media Buying and Consulting". American Political Science Review, 122(2), (2018): pp. 231-248.

Dertwinkel-Kalt, M./ Kerkhof, A./ Münster, M.. "Incumbency Dominance in Letters to the Editor: Field Experimental Evidence". Political Communication, 36(3), (2018): pp. 227-356.

Garz. M./ Pagels, V.. "Cautionary Tales: Celebrities, the News Media, and Participation in Tax Amnesties". Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 155, (2018): pp. 288-300.

Garz, M.. "Effects of Unemployment News on Economic Perceptions – Evidence from German Federal States". Regional Science and Urban Economics, 68, (2018): pp. 172-180.

Garz, M.. "Retirement, Consumption of Political Information, and Political Knowledge". European Journal of Political Economy, 52, (2018): pp. 109-119.



Martin, G. J./ Yurukoglu, A.. "Bias in Cable News: Persuasion and Polarization". American Economic Review, 107(9), (2017): pp. 2565-2599.

Garz, M./ Sörensen, J.. "Politicians under Investigation: The News Media’s Effect on the Likelihood of Resignation". Journal of Public Economics, 153, (2017): pp. 82-91.



Garz, M./ Rott, A./ Wass von Czege, M.. “The Online Market for Illegal Copies of Magazines: A German Case Study.”. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 59, (2015): pp. 169-183.

Kerkhof, A./ Münster, J.. "Quantity Restrictions on Advertising, Commercial Media Bias, and Welfare". Journal of Public Economics, 131, (2015): pp. 124-141.

Adena, M./ Enikolopov, R./ Pretova, M./ Santarosa, V./ Zhuravskaya, E.. "Radio and the Rise of the Nazis in Prewar Germany" The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 130(4), (2015): pp. 1885-1939. 



Arango-Kure, M./ Garz, M./ Rott, A. . “Bad News Sells: The Demand for News Magazines and the Tone of Their Covers”. Journal of Media Economics, 27, (2014): pp. 199-214.

Garz, Marcel. “Good News and Bad News: Evidence of Media Bias in Unemployment Reports”. Public Choice, 161, (2014): pp. 499-515.



Garz, Marcel. “Labour Market Segmentation: Standard and Non-Standard Employment in Germany”. German Economic Review, 14, (2013): pp. 349–371.

Garz, Marcel. “Unemployment Expectations, Excessive Pessimism, and News Coverage”. Journal of Economic Psychology, 34, (2013): pp. 156–168.

Garz, Marcel. “Employment and Wages in Germany Since the 2004 Deregulation of the Temporary Agency Industry”. International Labour Review, 152, (2013): pp. 307-326.

Garz, Marcel. “Job Insecurity Perceptions and Media Coverage of Labor Market Policy”. Journal of Labor Research, 33, (2013): pp. 528-544.